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Long netting tonight


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The first bit of wind we have had for a while, so I thought I would give the nets a go. The idea was to do a copse that holds a few rabbits but I have never done it before. The ideal wind for it is northly, but with the wind being westerly I thought beggers cant be choosers, i'll give it a go. I only took 2 x 50 yd nets with me.

The first drop I done was a short 50yd drop and an end set. Where the net is set in the same direction as the wind. I set out the net then banted the field back to the net, nothing a big fat zero. Not a good start to the season.

I then walked another mile to do the copse, the approach was easy enough I was walking directly into the wind but once I got in the lea of the copse the wind dropped and everthing was very calm and still. I set the first net as an end set as I got near finishing running out the first net I heard two rabbits squealing in the net. A good sign I continued running out the second net around the corner of the copse and this was now a plumper with the wind blowing directly into the net.

I set off to bant the field which had just been cut, as I got near the net I could hear the rabbits squealing.

The first net held six rabbits and the net that was directly facing the wind only held two. Still a good start to the netting season.



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