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Vim`s Picture`s


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I think your absolutly correct Digga but the power`s that be in my opinion could not handle it :lol: They would rather see picture`s of gun collection`s that never get used or motor bike`s or there prized 4x4 that go`s off road every sunday morning. Or just some general scenery pics that they took while on holiday :lol:

My last posting got hacked to **** for no reasonable reason apart from a moderator thinking i was encouraging tresspass and general law breaking.

But he left the posting up of a mistake on my part which i had made saying that the Staggie was taken using a 223 instead of a 243?? Against the law you see using below a 240 cal.

But it remained and a later picture of a Hind legaly shot was also removed.

In my opinion the guy needs educating also i might add that these picture`s are indeed for Member`s to look at and not in NO way bragging or showing off on my part. My identity is always removed and it may come a bit of a shock to some but Vim is neither my real name :lol:

Here`s a picture taken from yesterday and no Teal it was not taken or dispatched with the use of the shovel :lol:


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Guest Mr Pieman



It's only my opinion but I find it hard to believe you feel aggrieved by your post being 'hacked' for promoting 'trespass and general lawbreaking' as you put it. It is a totally unacceptable suggestion that you made (even if you shoot legally and just like to talk the talk) and you should not feel remonstrated or that you have been singled out in some way. Shooting (all forms) is in a particularly fragile state at present and the post had great potential for creating yet more bad press.


The moderators have a particularly hard job with the site and I think, on the whole, give a good balance allowing us to post our thoughts and objections etc. I agree wholeheartedly with them that the foul language and abuse should be curtailed.


You obviously know how sensitive things have got on the site, so why didn't you edit your 'mistake' relating to the bullet calibre relating to the deer you shot? Would have saved a whole lot of fuss.


This site loves pictures of dead things - and holiday photos from Clacton etc :lol: ) and I personally like to see what others have been shooting. I think the bottom line is everyone should keep posting (your pics, in particular are very good) keep the language acceptable to all and if you can't say nothing nice - say nothing!!


As people keep saying lots of other sites are far worse and abusive'. If people feel the need to post such stuff they should do it there, not on PW.


Cheers :lol:



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Like i have already said and explained my posting was not promoting in anyway tresspass or Poaching Piewoman :lol:

But for your record Piewoman i talk the talk and indeed walk the walk and just in case no ****er belive`s me i take a few picture`s along the way just to keep thing real :lol:

By the way dont whine on about something that you know nothing about which is Moderating a succesfull shooting/hunting board because its easy as pie :lol:

That squirrel in the picture i might add was discarded or in real words and keeping it real wanged in the hedge. Maybe i should of let it live. What a waste of a animals life :lol:

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Guest Mr Pieman

Insulting me I'm afraid only makes you look sadder. Post quickly, before you can post no more :lol: I have no time for squirrels - or gobby kids either :lol:


'Keep it real'? Wherever did you learn English? You'll be telling us your cammo gear is the real 'bling bling' next!



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Reading between the line`s Pieboy i can clearly see that you are indeed an envious sole :lol:

Maybe its the Moderator thing knowing clearly that you will never have such power over what people read :lol:

Here`s a picture of the other poxy Squirrel i shot yesterday while out checking sett`s and i might add that one too was wanged :lol:

Thats some Fox problem that farmer has Aled just imagine all those hanging on the fence on full veiw of the footpath :lol:


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Guest Mr Pieman

I presume you'll stop posting around 8pm Vimm - that's when most children go to be I think.


Your childishness belies even your previous postings. Keep going, eventually you'll get tired - the grown ups are laughing at you :lol:




PS Moderating isn't about power, its about maintaining standards. Any idea what that means?

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Vimm, this isnt a board which we visit to compare photo sizes, we all interact because of an interest in shooting, you clearly have that interest, so why not just be a little less agressive and post more helpful comments.


As for pictures, everyone loves pictures :lol:


But with regards to the poachers thread, if you can't see why it was deleted then there is something wrong!

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Vimm , why do you spoil your photograph postings with all the loutish chatter and wind-ups ?

So you were out checking setts ?

Isn't that where badgers live ?

So why were you checking them ?

The impression you are trying to make is that you are a rough, tough, type that doesn't care about anything, or anyone.

A bit like the inferences in your "poachers" thread.


Who do you think you are impressing ?

Perhaps some of the youngsters that read the Forum and the more gullible, but nobody with any experience.

Some of us have been there and done that before you were born.

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Experience :lol: you indeed talk the talk Cranny..

If i may explain to the EXPERIENCED that have done everything before i was born.

A sett is whats know to a pegger as a dropp. Now a pegger is not a Domino player or a person that hangs out washing.

There are three different type`s off sett one is a DIRTY SETT and the oppiste a CLEAN SETT. All will make sence to the Longnetter`s amongst us and im sure that Tiercel will back me up on this explanation.

Now the third Sett is indeed a BADGER SETT well there could be a QUICK SETT aswell :lol: but im not going to explain neither.

Now Cranny im just a simple chap and i mean that in more ways than one :lol: who shoots his guns and works his dogs and takes a few pictures along the way who never proclaims to be an expert.

My identity remains unknown to most so its not for fame or to gain respect its to show other`s that what i can do they can do.

You know create a little intrest in our sport.

Now i have said this before Cranny i can only wind up people who think they are better than what they realy are.

Im immune to such stuff because i never make out to what im not :lol:

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Guest Mr Pieman

Sorry Vimmy,

but ALL the grown ups are laughing really loudly now. I hope you aren't so disrespectful to your mother :lol:


Your words do not create admiration or much interest as they are spoilt by your laughable text I'm afraid, but I think I speak for many on the site by saying they are becoming more than a little irritating. Keep pressing people my friend and you will NOT be getting a visit from Santa. Now run along, there's a good chap.



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Here`s a picture for the experienced :lol: Roost shooting tonight with Greenass though a small bag of maggie`s is was a good crack and very wet.

My advice would be always wear wellingtons :lol:

Oh by the way scattered the dead birds over a field oppisite which has a good back drop for fox get my drift?? You know what im on about and not floating away :lol:


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I agree with some of the other lads that your pictures are great and you get your fair share of quarry, you have all the tools of the trade and seem to know how to use them, but you seem to have started off on the wrong foot with a few.


Shame really as you are a photo poster and its the first place I check everytime.


They dont want to fight you but certain comments could build a picture that your a loner who breaks the law with arms, even though you must be a responsible gun owner, otherwise you wouldnt hold any arms.


The PM


Keep the pictures coming though, just filter the ones which could be viewed as a little too much.

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