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Pigeons in N.Ireland / Ireland


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Starting to see more small grouops of pigeons over the last two days. Have two fields of barley that was not harvested and they are starting to feed regularly on it. Will keep an eye on it over the coming days and hopefully get a go at them Fri or saturday this week. All dependant on the weatherman.

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One of my permissions has had a regular group of about 200 for the last week or so. The have too many fields to pick from for food at the minute though but the farmer is ploughing now so should limit them to 2 fields for a bit. Hopefully my variation gets a move on!

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And what a wet and windy morning that was, there wasn't a bird (Pigeon or crow) on the move from first light till after 9am. Birds then starting moving and despite shooting badly we managed 6 pigeons in an hour before packing up. There were still birds about but we had other things to do, was good to be out despite the rain.


Last Saturday morning was the first poor day (Numbers ways - only 2) since the start of September. The previous week I'd not seen many birds in the area either so wasn't surprised when the shooting wasn't good. I'd seen more birds about this week and there were good numbers this morning once they started. I always like to be set up for first light when decoying, what's the consensus here regarding birds starting to feed later when the weather is wet/windy?


Here's a question, my father and uncles always said that pigeon shooting here was best after a spell of really cold harsh weather in Scotland, their birds migrating to here for some relief. Now later in the year some of the pigeons I shoot almost look to be a slightly different breed, smaller and perhaps pinker in breast colour (Not early season young birds, talking Dec-Jan now) Could these be the fabled Scots birds or perhaps they come up from the South? Opinions please.

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Hi Tullyhubbert, I have heard similar stories that in the colder weather birds fly over from Scotland and this can provide some big flocks but they tend to stick to North Antrim and the Down coast. ? I would nt think they come from the south for the opposite reason that when there is cold weather in Scotland birds of different varieties start to come to N.Ireland, some we can shoot some we can't. Go to Strangford Lough and see the variety that arrive in winter.


At the start of the thread I mentioned that in mid June there were more birds around my area and they seemed to disappear, but I have found them again. A couple of flocks of 500+ on a few fields that was not harvested. Hope to get at them maybe later today or tomorrow. The weekend was a wash out.

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I hear what your saying. I have one field that might give some sport this week. I intend to check it out tomorrow and if there is no activity that will be me for the Winter. The rain does not bother me really as where I build my hide is sheltered but the cold for 3- 4 hours would be too much.


If he has ploughed it, I wont be crying.

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