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medical issue on shotgun apps


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hey mite just me gerring overly worried about sumit i was suffering from a depression before and it asks on the form about it does this mine my application will probs not be acteped or is it just a question and i know theirs no point lieing cause they check right? also how long is it for reciving a ticket in middlesbrough?


cheers mark

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Did you take any medication for it???


If so I would wait at least another year before putting it in.


Or you could put it in anyway and see what happens.




Edit: Yes tell nothing but the truth, I think it relies on what your doctor says.

Edited by dustyfox
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yeah took a very weak tablet once a day i was on dem for all of two months and am bk fine working n blah blah i seriously dont wanna out lay 180 for safe den 50 on top for them just say no coz i cud easy get another very nice pcp its just i wanna do clay n my local club dont hve spare guns

Edited by marky_boy
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Yes, they have to check your gunsafe... kinda.


You can have a SGC without a gunsafe. But, when you buy a new gun, and it's put on your ticket, you also have to send a letter telling the police department that you've bought this gun, and if they haven't checked your safe when the get the letter... you'll be in some trouble.


Also, I wouldn't hope on your chances too much if you've had medication for depression within the last year, I think it's obvious why.. but stay calm and be honest and see where it goes.

Edited by Bleeh
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cheers guys its sorta made me feel a lil berra about it seriously hope i get granted it if i made a fone call would they sorta give me a hint to witch way it would go coz at mo hve a offer of a decent safe and a nice pcp rifle obvs id ratheir go safe n get a shot gun but if its gonna be a no i would ratheir not miss the pcp


p.s before any one says get both i simple cant aford it or i would hve by now

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dont know what they'll say best give them a ring as there the ones who would grant you your licence should think they'll give you an idea , as for the safevgun saga if you dont get your licence isnt it wort keeping you airguns in a safe anyway just a thought :yes:

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ive spoke to my fire arms department and sed just coz ive had it in the past dont mean i hve it now they would hve to consider each case diffrent they also sed they cudnt process my app till end of november so am gonna put it off till end of jan witch lets me get a berra deeper safe so i can keep my scoped airguns in der even thou my room is like a fort (number keypad on door after my bro n his gf were in room n my guns were moved n safty catches taken off mmmm donno wah they was doing ) so cheers guys many thanks think ill be going up deep blue to get a logun solo with multi shot cartridge

thanks mark

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HI Mark,


I can't guarantee what will happen in your case but I had exactly the same thing as you - luckily my doctor knows me well and was happy to vouch for me and let them know that my symptoms were mild and shortlived and even added that he had no concerns about me having a shotgun which helped a lot. You can understand the licensing bureau being cautious - I'm sure more than one FLO has the shooting suicide of someone they allowed to own a gun on their conscience. If you're on good terms with your doc give him a call and see if he can help. It will take a little longer to get your certificate as they will want to speak to your doctor themselves which can hold things up. But if it really was just a shortlived and mild problem you will probably get your SGC. I hope that is the case but I would just add as a disclaimer that if you have any doubts in your own mind, owning a gun is not a good idea.





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i hve no doubts in my mind that am bk to my normal happy cheery self it was so out of chariter for me but am gonna ring doc see wah he says but its off till jan as ive provisonally orderd a logun solo from deep blue wanna go and hold it and feel it before i aprt with cash so i just deep blue to hold it till i can get up their


but thanks for all ur help this must be one of the most friendlyest fourms on the net ( and i once owned a modded car fourm sold it coz of losers) BUT YES THANKS VERY MUCH FOR ALL YA WISDOM

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I was diagnosed with and treated for clinical depression in 2000 and it didnt stop me getting a renewal shortly after. Similarly, after a really rough patch at the end of 05/start of 06 I was prescribed anti depressants and sleeping pills for a short time. It was so bad I didnt even post on PW for 2 weeks ???


There is no shame in it, and you have nothing to hide because of it. At least you had the sense to go and see the doc to get it sorted. My best mate didnt and ended up jumping in front of a train in 2000, which is what set me off in the first place!


As others have said, be honest with the FEO, explain the situation and he will judge the case on its merits. A good FEO will be sympathetic and businesslike about it, these things can happen to anybody.


Best of luck :good:



Edited by Zapp Brannigan
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It sounds to me like you had a short time of trouble in your life due to personal circumstances not being ideal. I think most people would get a little down in that situation, and you've got over it very quickly. It's not like you have a long standing issue with depression, which I think is their main concern. When you do fill in the forms, tell them everything, even about the speeding ticket. They really don't like dishonesty!


You should be ok I recon, but if they do turn you down it will only be to get a little more time as proof you're ok now.


Just don't burst into tears and start throwing things if he says no :)

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I wouldn't worry about it, as long as you are honest, I put down Diazepam as a medication on mine and they were fine with it (the Diazepam is for flying due to a near death experience in a helicopter years ago!)


If the FAO thinks you are level headed then it probably won't make a difference due to it being 6+ months ago.





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Although after reading the last "release the staffy" post.......it's amazing who reads/see's the posts on this forum mate and there have been people caught out for a sense of humour on here before so i would leave the humour until after you get the cert (some folk on here don't take jokes well!)

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