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Misfires in Double Barrel


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Been out today shooting and having a bit of trouble with the right barrel on my SbS, About on ein every 3-5 shots in failing to fire, the pin isnt hitting the primer hard enough :yes: It wasnt like that to start but I only put about 20 rounds through it and its started doing it, only put about 50 through it altogether. :hmm:


Was wondering if theres anything I can do, the guy I got it from is a RFD and he fully guarantees it so I can just nip up to him and he should be able to fix it for me (which I'll probally end up doing) but was just wondering if these's anything I could do about it first ? I doubt it but its good to check :good: Appreciate any help :yes:

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I had a misfire on Sunday using Firsts, same as you primer struck but not enough to fire, only had it on one cart but im not sure how many may be affected as i had 3 boxes in my vest and im not sure what box, but all are the same batch - first prob with Eley ever.


Might drop Eley a Email and see what they say.

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