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Red Deer


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It has been a while since i posted due to holidays and workload. But I have been busy with all kinds of hunting and shooting (naturally) wild boar, duck, pigeons, crows and with the icing on the cake red deer.


I was asked to go after red deer at an airportsite for gliderplanes. I told you before about this area. Apart from gliders the grassy strips and large heather fields are frequently visited by red deer. After numerous attempts, on the 8th of October it was finally time to harvest. Free for culling at the moment are pointers, and any deer with antlers up too 10 pointer. Also deer older then 12 years are free (regardless of antlersize).


In the morning at 05.30 I walked to the high seat and immediately was greeted by burling male red deer. All over the area the stags where calling. In the dark it was almost impossible to see them, several of them got wind of me and took off. Placed myself on the highseat and waited for the morninglight. At first light I saw a 5-8 year old stag with a hind and calf, this stag was not suitable for culling. But in his company was also a pointerstag. Slowly they moved towards me. After the hind, calf and stag passed, the pointer got in front of me. After the shot it walked for about 40 meters and went down. Although I have shot red deer before in Scotland I was pleased with my first dutch red deer pointer. I decided to stay on the high seat and enjoy the morning as still all around me stags where making loads of rutting noises. After 20 minutes to my surprise I saw another stag entering the heatherarena. And to my great pleasure it was a 8 pointer. Still a bit hesitant to shoot it, (for me being a guest and already shooting a pointer stag) I texted my host. I got no reply and decided not to shoot the stag. The stag started to walk towards another woodland and came past the shot pointer. It lookes a bit puzzled but then decided to walk on. It was now 60 meters from the cover of the woodland. I then realized that if I didn’t take the shot now the change was over. I remembered my host telling me on prior occasions that I was allowed to take a pointer and a culling stag. I thought for another second about this and decided to take the shot. Again the deer signed good on the shot and went down in 40 meters.


After waiting for a while I noticed a shot from the direction of my host. Came out he too shot a 8 pointer. After meeting up we congratulated each other and he told me I took the right choice in shooting both deer. We pulled all the deer from the field and removed the organs etc. Then we drank a cup of coffee and reflected on the most magnificent morning we experienced. The three deer went into the back of my host’s kangoo and of to the freezer.


Maybe some more stories later....



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