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Well just when I thought it couldn't get any better this mornings stalk proved me wrong. This boy is BIG and very unusual, note the almost complete joining around the coronets. Not quite as wide on the span as yesterdays due to the fact he's been using that LH antler a lot but thicker on the beams and again some unusual points.


Yesterdays beast weighed in at 118kgs dressed out and this one will probably top that. At a guess I think both heads will be make silver.




Edited by Highlander
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Good shooting :lol: , the rut has provided great sport for me this year.


Do you think those heads will make silver even though there is so little palmation?


Where were they shot? Is that usual for the Fallow heads in that area.


Where I shoot on the northern edge of the New forest the bucks are generally much broader in the palm.






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Good shooting :lol: , the rut has provided great sport for me this year.


Do you think those heads will make silver even though there is so little palmation?


Where were they shot? Is that usual for the Fallow heads in that area.


Where I shoot on the northern edge of the New forest the bucks are generally much broader in the palm.







Is that a Sako moses?

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Hi Moses


I'm working on the assumption that palmation is so common in Fallow that the points don't amount to much for that feature. These boys are massive in the beam (twice as thick as your average buck) and the whole antler is very thick and heavy which should pick up more points than are lost through the lack of palmation. I'll post some measurements and weights once they've been assessed.


Whilst not common in this area we do have some good heads among a lot of deer but mostly they are more of the standard type. These guys were shot on heavy ground abeit about 10 miles apart as the crow flies. The priket in picture 2 is quite usual though.

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Is that a Sako moses?


Yes Dazza, Sako 75.


Hi Moses


I'm working on the assumption that palmation is so common in Fallow that the points don't amount to much for that feature. These boys are massive in the beam (twice as thick as your average buck) and the whole antler is very thick and heavy which should pick up more points than are lost through the lack of palmation. I'll post some measurements and weights once they've been assessed.


Whilst not common in this area we do have some good heads among a lot of deer but mostly they are more of the standard type. These guys were shot on heavy ground abeit about 10 miles apart as the crow flies. The priket in picture 2 is quite usual though.


Thanks Highlander,


I would be interested to see the measurements etc...




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