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Dog insurance

David BASC

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Those of you that are members of BASC will read in the latest issue of our mag about my exploits getting insurance cover for my dog All,


The long and the short of it is this, many dog insurance providers will EXCLUDE cover if your dog in injured or taken ill while you are working it,


Please, if you do have dog insurance for your working dog double check with the provider that you are still covered when working the dog- please tell them if your get paid, even a few quid, or get paid in kind – a brace or tow- as this too can prevent cover. If they say you are then get them to confirm it in writing- you may need it!


I found that the top 4 – when I called them, all EXCLUDED cover!


I was speaking to a member today who read my article, he is insured with one of the top 4- and has been for just over 8 years. He has been paying £20 a month – that’s over £2000 in premiums. Based on what he read in my article he phones his insurer, to be told that he was NOT covered as he worked his dog on a shoot!


Please do not get caught out!


Best wishes



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£120 a year is a good deal - but as there is not a copy of the policy on the NFU web site it is diffucult to know exactly what is or is not covered for this very low premium. I have e-mailed NFU Mutual and asked them to send me a copy of the full policy wording and a list of the main exclusions (if any) for working gundogs.



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I have been looking around for the insurance and after reading something on here about the NFU i phoned them up to see what there cover was. i was told that i couldn't get insurance for my pup as i didn't have any other type of insurance with them.


Im still looking as i want life cover and not just per illness cover. My out-law was caught out on this and her dog had a few problems that are costing her £1000+ a year as she only had per illness cover. once you have reached your amount for that illness and related illnesses then you on your own as you cant get insurance from anywhere that will cover.



Who do i go with?

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You can always try the BASC number if you want- on the BASC web site.


Yes they still have differnet levels of cover- I think Helathy Pet start from £1000 - which is very low indeed! I would think the lowest level of cover you need is £3000 and possibly more


I too am having trouble getting anything out of NFU - their head office said they do not do working dogs and sent me detials of the local office, who still have not come back to me to confirm if they do insure working dogs either


I have asked Healthy Pet to confirm that they cover working dogs but they too have failled to get back to me.


If you want to I guess to cover all the bases is a life time policy - without conditional limits- make sure you ask for this when getting a quote.



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for my cocker with petplan (BASC) working dog it will be £25 a month. i dont need working dog at the moment as he is a puppy still so next year maybe. with pet plan for just pet with 4K life time, 4K a year, every year, it was £21. i phoned today and quoted BASC and it only went up by £4 for working dog. thats per month.


with most insurance companies you will get 4K'ish per illness. this means that once you have spent you 4K then you will not be insured for that illness or any related illness. you will not be able to get insurance ever again to cover you for that illness.


3 i have found, offer 4K'ish per year. this means you have 4K for vet bills per year. so if your dog gets any long term illness that need treatment for the rest of its life, then you will get 4K towards each years vet bill. as long as you stay with that insurance company year after year.


I'm cr4p at explaining things so i hope that people have the jist of what im trying to say. lol.



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Try www.pet-insurance.co.uk , they cover gundogs and premiums are good for lifetime cover



Your aving a laff.


£12.41 a month.lol. i couldn't believe it so i phoned them and asked. i then asked about working dog and they said that it was included in the price as long as it want high risk working as in guard or drugs dog.


well they have my money. thanks for that TR1. best info i have had yet off here.lol.




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I have checked these guys out - I found them to be very helpful and very professional – easy to deal with and yes they confirmed to my that working gundogs are covered, even if you get paid for beating / picking up – still covered. :good:


Best not to try and pull the wool over insurers eyes, if you get caught the repercussions could be long lasting.


Also, most claims over £100 will be investigated.


If a dog is shot I can all but guarantee the vet insurance co will investigate as they will want to make a claim against the shooter so they do not have to pay up – you are then relying on the guy that shot the dog to lie for you…..not easy if you are replying to a solicitors letter I suggest. :good:

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I have just called pet insurance.co.uk and they exclude any dog for which you get paid - i.e. picking up or beating. This seems to contradict what they told David, so I've no confidence in them.


They do have and exlcusion on their wedsite:


Dog Breeds we are unable to Insure

Please see below a list of dogs we are unable to insure, we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.



Any dogs used for trade or business

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I have double checked, there was some confusion among the people on the telephone so I got through to the claims manager. There is not an issue with being paid a token amount be it in kind or in cash. I guess that what any of us get ‘paid’ when beating or picking up is most certainly a token amount!



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I have double checked, there was some confusion among the people on the telephone so I got through to the claims manager. There is not an issue with being paid a token amount be it in kind or in cash. I guess that what any of us get ‘paid’ when beating or picking up is most certainly a token amount!






you beat me to it as i did the same.lol

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I have my springer Marco insured with pet-insurance.co.uk for lifetime cover i pay £12.54 per month.

they cover working dogs just had i claim in august he got something in his paw while we were shooting and had to have a operation when it turned septic vets fee £180

i have a £85 excess. The only thing i would fault them for is the time it takes to pay out they had all the paperwork from the vet by the 22nd Aug which they acknowledged.

After 3 phone calls to check everything was OK i was informed there was no problem but it still took 7 week for the cheque to arrive.. :yes:

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If you phone the number on the BASC site, the bit about insurance, the you go though to Pet Plan. i asked them and yes you are insured for working as long as it isn't a high risk thing like attack or guard dog. but when i phoned them before i knew about the BASC insurance then i was told no to working dog.


I went with Pet-Insurance in the end. £12 and Teague is covered when out shooting or picking up. not that he will be doing that yet as hes only 11 weeks but the insurance was the best i found.



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