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Bowman reloading press

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My guess is that you do not have enough column height in your components to form a decent crimp. Your wad length is not right.


It is not the machine at fault. the folded in case is not getting enough pressure to form a proper crimp.

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You should have 3 crimp spacers with the bowman that you put over the filled but uncrimped case ,For 67mm cases the spacer tube is 32mm long ,70mm is 35mm long , 76mm is 44mm long , These are not plain steel tubes as they have a recess for the cartridge rim so the case seats flush with the base of the tube and they stop the final crimp die from going down to far and causing the now fully loaded cartridge to crease/wrinkle just below the wad/shot.

when set up correctly the crimp is close to a factory crimp , on the underside of the top plate there is a crimp starter I just press the case up into that and then final crimp.

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  • 5 years later...

You should have 3 crimp spacers with the bowman that you put over the filled but uncrimped case ,For 67mm cases the spacer tube is 32mm long ,70mm is 35mm long , 76mm is 44mm long , These are not plain steel tubes as they have a recess for the cartridge rim so the case seats flush with the base of the tube and they stop the final crimp die from going down to far and causing the now fully loaded cartridge to crease/wrinkle just below the wad/shot.

when set up correctly the crimp is close to a factory crimp , on the underside of the top plate there is a crimp starter I just press the case up into that and then final crimp.

I guess if needed a new.set of sleeves can be machines on a lathe! It's a simple enough job!

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ive had a bowman for 40 years just started reloadin after a long lay off,i found the spacer tube wasn,t quite long enough to get a good starter crimp an finished job was ****.my mate knocked up a slightly longer one on lathe problem solved.i was usein fiocchi cases 70mm.

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Today I started to test the drop weights for powder and shot.


I need to drop 22.5gr of powder to 1oz of shot. So after filling up just the lead bottle, I started dropping a few batches and weighing. It literally needed wound right in to drop 28g. It is now dropping 27.4g - 27.9g so seems spot on.


Then I removed the shot bottle and screwed in the powder bottle. I screwed the adjuster in half way, dropped a powder load and weighed it. 45+gr :o


Screwed the adjuster right in and dropped another! 36gr :no: :no:


I needed 22.5. So I decided to try and think of a way to take up more room in the bushing.


Then I clambered into the cupboard and rooted through the odds and **** drawers, and came across my stock of "O" rings.


This is before and after!


This pic is the Shot bush adjuster! But shows what the powder one looks like, as it's identical.




Then after some fiddling with the forceps to get the "O" rings on!




The powder bush now drops 22.3gr - 22.9gr which I think is an acceptable variation.


I fully intend buying a MEC single stage charge bar set, as this will fit the bowman, and allow me to use my existing MEC bushes, for both the MEC, and the Bowman.


Now I need to order some Wads and give the press a good dusting off.

Edited by Lord Geordie
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