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Roast Pheasant


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Get hold of a copy of The River Cottage Meat book for lots of very sound advice on roasting in general.


Best advice that I can give is to make sure that the bird is at room temperature before roasting, rub all over with butter and lay some fatty bacon over the breast. Roast fast and hot for twenty minutes and then another ten-twenty minutes at a moderate heat. A period of resting before you eat it is vital (I persomally turn my birds breast-side down for this), to allow the meat to relax and for some of the juices to be drawn back into the breast.



Edited by lord_seagrave
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If you have plucked it, try and stuff some soft butter(about a tablespoon) that has a crushed clove of garlic, thyme and a little lemon peel in it, under the breast skin. You will need to ease this away from the breast meat with your fingers first and if there are any tears of shot holes, as there tends to be unless you are lucky, cover with bacon.


Roast as above.

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