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Another newbie


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Hi my names Andy and I am luckily enough to have a 4 acre back garden part surrounded by woodland and open fields.


Without a word of a lie, I looked into my garden from the window early this afternoon the snow had melted and the sun was shining, and within 15 minutes or so I saw:


A rabbit quite a small one and all on his own.

A magpie rooting around the silver birch trees for some reason.

A crow that came right up to the kitchen window looking for scraps that I often throw out.

A pair of collard doves.

A squirrel trying his best to get to the bird feeder.

And god knows how many feral pigeons. We are plagued with around 100+ at the moment.

Several woodies further down in the horse paddock, I did count around 20 yesterday


I did start to take a few photos but the batteries died in my camera. They are back on charge for tomorrow.


Now I have a 177 BSA Ultra MS and a .22 Falcon Fn19 sitting in the cupboard and I am asking myself have I the right to shoot these creatures, as I am a bit soft at heart. I have been setting up targets and practicing and can now get a good group at 30yds shooting from the house where most of the feral pigeons congregate at times on my garage roof.


I used to breed birds and I do love them, but the 100+ ferals **** all over the place and my house gutters are heaving with it and when they land as a flock on the roof, it is with a bang and I have several broken roof tiles.


I live in a rural area and they are fed mainly by the old lady next door, she is out there at first light surrounded by them scattering jugs full of seed or corn, the rest of the time they are on the surrounding fields or my roof. Question is they look in very good condition not scabby like townies, can I eat the breasts or feed them to my dog if I shoot them. I have no idea where they roost but they do disappear towards the woods at night, but there are several farms and a golf course nearby. It would make me feel better if their deaths served a purpose.


The crows and magpies I like to watch along with the collard doves, they are not bothering me same as the squirrels. We did have a few pheasants for the last couple of years, but they have not reappeared yet this year, not that I would attempt to shoot them with an air rifle. In the horse paddocks there is a good head of rabbits and they are in my sights, we even watched a fox recently trying his best to get one.

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