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Dogs Off a lead & out of control???


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This is going to be strange question but please bear with me. My drive is about 1/2mile long. Flanked either side with fields. On 1 side is a young hedgerow, the otherside is very old and large trees. The lane is mine but there is a public footpath down it.


I always try and keep my Labs on a lead when i go past other people while out in the general public as you never know what dog you might come across.


Now, i know alot of you guys like field sports in relation to using dogs to chase down rabbits etc, ive never done it and its not my thing, but ive got nothing against it at all. What i dont like, its walking my dog, 3 small terriers charging out of the hedge, going at my gentle Lab, barking etc. Then a whippet charging around after my cats.


When i asked the man to put his animals on a lead, he told me to **** off as he owned the property. As you can imagine an argument broke out. I walked back and he followed me home shouting and swearing and it ended in a good old fight.


Was i unreasonable and how would you have handled the situation?. I want to understand the sport of working terriers etc and see exactly how you would like to be approached?.

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If the dogs were on your drive, but which is also a public footpath, then they were on public land and the owner has a responsibility to keep them under control.

If the owner is creating a problem by ignoring this requirement, then report him to the police, or the local council (Dog Warden).

Its probable that after todays incident you won't see him again.

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I walked back and he followed me home shouting and swearing and it ended in a good old fight.


Who won :lol: only joking


If you where on your drive and his dogs came after yours then he is in the wrong as they were out of control :yes:

But now you had a brawl over it you could both end up in trouble , best forgot unless it happens again :yes:

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Just remember that good old self defence move - the home office approved 'calming chin shot'. People like the bloke you mention are *****. If you had turned round and broke his dogs necks he woud have had something to say...


Tell him to *** off in a polite and friendly way, if you can show him your proof of land ownership (ie the deeds etc) and ask if he would like to talk it over with the old bill acting as mediator.. You may wish to put up some signs on 'your property' to reiterate the issue.

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I run into people all the time on my shoot. Townies that have no idea what they are doing when they let their dumb a*se doberman run around the place - chasing Heffa's etc (who has now been warned by the farmer taht if he see's them allowing this again, he'll ring me to shoot the dog!). One morning l ran into a woman walking her grizley little staffy across an open field, l said hello (brandishing my rifle safely etc etc. ) she replied with 'l hope you shoot your ******* Self you murdering B******. To which l replied - 'you're the one walking a dog that was bread to kill other dogs and badgers you thick stupid B****' People are always alarmed when you reply with the same verosity as what they give. she quickly walked away not knowing what to say. Another time a couple were walking their three dogs straight across a field at me when l was pigeon shooting, getting up out of the hedge - the bloke said 'What the **** are you doing in there - you Stalker!!' again l replied ' I'm pigeon shooting you imbessile, and as such i'm hiding so as not to be seen. What the **** are you doing walking across a freshly drilled field with your dogs - do you want them shot? He didn't really know where to look, and whilst his missus was pulling him away he still managed the townie cry ' I hope you shoot your ******* self!'


Thing to do is to confront like you have, have your say and they'll walk away thinking that they have said their bit - but l haven't seen either parties walking across my shoot since. Makes me think they then are too embarrassed to do it again.


Oh there was the time l was surrounded by police dogs and handlers because someone had seen a suspicious looking charactor lurking in the hedges with a gun early evening........******* people. Spent an hour after showing a copper how to shoot pigeons - with an alsation asleep at my feet!


An old friend of mine used to say - you'll never educate a piece of pork - how right!



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I run into people all the time on my shoot. Townies that have no idea what they are doing when they let their dumb a*se doberman run around the place - chasing Heffa's etc (who has now been warned by the farmer taht if he see's them allowing this again, he'll ring me to shoot the dog!). One morning l ran into a woman walking her grizley little staffy across an open field, l said hello (brandishing my rifle safely etc etc. ) she replied with 'l hope you shoot your ******* Self you murdering B******. To which l replied - 'you're the one walking a dog that was bread to kill other dogs and badgers you thick stupid B****' People are always alarmed when you reply with the same verosity as what they give. she quickly walked away not knowing what to say. Another time a couple were walking their three dogs straight across a field at me when l was pigeon shooting, getting up out of the hedge - the bloke said 'What the **** are you doing in there - you Stalker!!' again l replied ' I'm pigeon shooting you imbessile, and as such i'm hiding so as not to be seen. What the **** are you doing walking across a freshly drilled field with your dogs - do you want them shot? He didn't really know where to look, and whilst his missus was pulling him away he still managed the townie cry ' I hope you shoot your ******* self!'


Thing to do is to confront like you have, have your say and they'll walk away thinking that they have said their bit - but l haven't seen either parties walking across my shoot since. Makes me think they then are too embarrassed to do it again.


Oh there was the time l was surrounded by police dogs and handlers because someone had seen a suspicious looking charactor lurking in the hedges with a gun early evening........******* people. Spent an hour after showing a copper how to shoot pigeons - with an alsation asleep at my feet!


An old friend of mine used to say - you'll never educate a piece of pork - how right!





i too was once reported to the police while pigeon shooting by a dog walker, the copper was understanding and soon left giving the dog walker a piece of his mind as he went, we also have a saying "you cant polish a ****"



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Townies that have no idea what they are doing when they let their dumb a*se doberman run around the place


Now am sure its just been worded wrong or am reading it wrong ( In which case I appollogise) but just have to say the last 23 years of my lafe have been with Dobermans and I am neither a townie nor have my dogs been dumb. I hate to hear something that sounds slanderous to the breed when in many cases its the fault of the owner not the dog or its breed.


It could of quite easily been a poodle, spaniel or any other dog pestering heather`s. This sounds like a lack of control and common sense by the owner !

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Dobermans are very nice dogs. The only dog breeds which seem totaly out of control when in the hands of Chav field sport experts are cross terriers and whippets. Maybe if the terrier was happy and not cross it would be okay? :yes: . They seem to be the dog of choice, i know staffs are badly thought by some, but i do agree, its the owner not the dogs fault.


And before anyone takes offence, ive met some great people who work dogs for rabbits, but there are too many spoiling the sport. Hard not to blame everyone for the fault of few, or in the case of where i live, the majority.

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I do appologise,


I was on a roll with a slight rant - i do agree with you in the sense that it is the owners not the dogs. Trouble is people buy these dogs as a pup - then low and behold 9 months later!!! Its the size of a teenager and teeth like a werewolf and once off the lead on anyones fields - left to its own devices - what looks like an act of stupidness is in fact the owners not giving a ****.


Isn't it strange how some people think that they can wander across any land with their dogs unchallenged!!?! and that footpaths are for Ramblers! - thats what l got told one day by one anyhow!


I now have another problem - young lads on crossers - scaring everything away from one end of my main shoot, was starting to see some Roe and other tasty looking mammals coming through as it was un touched for years. Now every Saturday and Sunday 5-8 blokes (some are obviously young, but there are at least two 35+ year old men riding around too) are riding about with engines going full-wack. They have asked for permission, of which they have been granted access to two fields that were mown from last years set-aside. Trouble is give them an inch they have taken a mile - every bridle path/foot path in the local vacinity has been torn up.


Like bikes but hates them on my shooting land!!



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