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Anyone still up?!


Just got back from a long and painful night of chasing foxes with a lamp. They're sneeky little ******* and Garyb certainly gets more annoyed than me! (He has however got a good pair of eyes to spot 700yard foxes through fog. Still, no hits tonight...

Edited by harfordwmj
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what ya reading? :lol:


I am trying to finish an article I am writing for an international journal on Gender, emotions and Organizations (I am a social psychologist) and I have a fair few articles written by others to read/review before I can make my case on the issue I am discussing. I need to demonstrate knowledge of the latest developments and be able to argue my case based on facts. :):yes::P:yes:

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Morning chaps. Sleep when yer dead I say.. Sat here with the mother of a guava and mango smoothie, with a generous portion of vodka, while I de skag and de frag my computers....Cant drink as much as I would like though, the pigeons want me to chase them around in 7 hours, so I will need a couple of hours kip....

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I just finished watching 'kill it, cook it, eat it' on bbci from yesterday. I liked it!


Now back to reading


Just watched it on the iPlayer too. Nice to see a decent programme on that shows the whole process. That veggie blonde bird couldn't have been more annoying. Oh and I did find it funny how the animal activist actually didn't have a clue about how rabbits are dispatched and she was actually rather impressed (ha! take that!)

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I went there once, 30 odd years ago, the same scum was there then too. Some things just don't change. I thought then, and still do now, I'm better than that scrounging muck, and have never been out of work since, though now I work to live, but when I was your age, I wanted the house, the latest stereo, the car so I lived to work, and glad I did it too, 'cos now I can relax a little, 'cos I have all that stuff, and can now spend more time doing what I enjoy, you guessed, getting out and enjoying this beautiful country of ours, 'cos beautiful it is for sure, and shooting too.


keep looking for that job, and don't be shy to turn your hand to anything in the meantime, any job is a good job if it pays the bills...Until you find something you really enjoy doing, and you will, if you stay focused, trust me....

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