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Gun Cabinet


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The fire-arms act does not say you need a cabinet at all - only that you make adequate arrangements for security. A wire through the trigger guard in appropriate circumstances is enough.


While the words "Police Approved" are often used, in fact the police have no pre-approval system, they are not a consumer body. The wording is actually "police approval guaranteed", meaning that on inspection you would not be turned down on the "adequate security" if you use one of their cabinets, correctly fixed, and in a position that the police approve of ( i.e. can't be seen through a window). No cabinet is thief proof, what the FEO is looking for is will your security stop casual opportunist theft. Usually anything that will delay casual access to the gun/s by about 20 mins ( ie the response time to an alarm activation), is going to be deemed OK.


Any cabinet built to the BS spec is going to do this unless the thief is tooled up and going for the gun cab specifically, in which case it will be jemmied off the wall and away in 5 mins with the guns it it to be opened later.


Any steel cabinet with a reasonable locking system, well secured to the wall is going to pass muster, and a nice load alarm is going to help get past the adequate security criteria.

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The fire-arms act does not say you need a cabinet at all - only that you make adequate arrangements for security. A wire through the trigger guard in appropriate circumstances is enough.


While the words "Police Approved" are often used, in fact the police have no pre-approval system, they are not a consumer body. The wording is actually "police approval guaranteed", meaning that on inspection you would not be turned down on the "adequate security" if you use one of their cabinets, correctly fixed, and in a position that the police approve of ( i.e. can't be seen through a window). No cabinet is thief proof, what the FEO is looking for is will your security stop casual opportunist theft. Usually anything that will delay casual access to the gun/s by about 20 mins ( ie the response time to an alarm activation), is going to be deemed OK.


Any cabinet built to the BS spec is going to do this unless the thief is tooled up and going for the gun cab specifically, in which case it will be jemmied off the wall and away in 5 mins with the guns it it to be opened later.


Any steel cabinet with a reasonable locking system, well secured to the wall is going to pass muster, and a nice load alarm is going to help get past the adequate security criteria.



I wouold add that 2 different keys/locks is the usual for approval on cabinets

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If you want a really strong fixing then use an epoxy resin and threaded studding. You can get the resin from any decent hardware store. Because it doesn't rely on expansion to fix the bolt it can be used in 'weaker' wall constructions.


P.S. This is a permenent fixing, you will never get the bolts out of the wall again.

Edited by silver_fox
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