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Unusual sighting.


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While out this morning driving to the woods to take the dog for a walk i could see 4 rooks sitting in the lane about 400m ahead of me when one of the birds started flapping and rolling about in the road, as i got closer i could see a stoat had grabbed it by the leg or somewhere underneath and was trying to drag it to the hedge, the rook managed to right its self and took off with the stoat still attached it got 10-12 feet of the ground before the stoat let go and dropped to the grass verge, ive never seen anything like it before. Have any other forum members witnessed strange animal behavior before while out in the country??



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Nasture ! Feirce in tooth and claw!! , The older I get the more I realise there is yet more to learn , I cannot recall a similar incident , but , little suprises me , ONE reason why reconasanse , days are never wasted , .


A lot more can be learned by not having a shot , But, like a boy scout... Be prepared ! . POW!

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I had a Stoat rag a bunny which was still twitching a few seconds after a shot to the bonce. Amazng predators, the bunny must have been twice its weight and it was like watching a terrier with a rat. Stoat must have been stalking the bunny whilst my crosshairs where on it. Goes to show when your numbers up!



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A couple of years ago I was making a program with Channel 4 about Barn owls. Me and the cameraman were at a barn known to have a pair in when I saw a white flash by the barn.


Went to see what it was and a rabbit ran out closely followed by a stoat. They ran across the field and through a hedge and we thought we had lost them when they suddenly popped back through the hedge and the stoat caught the rabbit no more than 5-6 ft from us. We must have been downwind and watched the kill with fascination.


Then the wind must have changed as the stoats head popped up and he was off.


Unfortunately we had packed up for the day and Andre the cameraman hadn't grabbed any equipment so it is undocumented.


Was an amazing sight and he was kicking himself as he said 'I could have filmed that stoat for 6 months and not got a shot like that'

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I had a Stoat rag a bunny which was still twitching a few seconds after a shot to the bonce. Amazng predators, the bunny must have been twice its weight and it was like watching a terrier with a rat. Stoat must have been stalking the bunny whilst my crosshairs where on it. Goes to show when your numbers up!




Had exact the same happen when I was out this summer, amazing to watch.

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This little monkey was trying to take a pigeon that was dead in my pattern!



I didn't realise these were a protected species in Ireland...but not in the UK weird eh...lovely creatures though, i would of let the Stoat take the Pigeon out of principle as it was so balsy to come get it, with you shooting in the area. :good:

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