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How did we get on today? 2009 edition.

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if you enter the comp you have a chance of getting some money back, if you go birds only you dont, plus you have no pressure on you.


I don't really understand the Clubman rules, but I don't think I'm allowed to enter a registered comp, except at my nominated ground (which of course has been de-registered) :lol:


I'll upgrade to go-faster membership I think. Do they automatically start me off in C class? That would probably be my only chance of winning something :yes:

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Back into whanquer mode for me. 62/100 at a fairly usual Southdown registered. Annoyingly it was only really 3 stands were I killed the first pair then missed ALL the others that ruined my card. The rest of the stands were straightish or just dropping one.


Perhaps it's too much skeet lately :yes::lol:

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if you enter the comp you have a chance of getting some money back



Only if the grounds do something to stop the bandits - 87/100 and 81/100 were the 1st and 2nd scores in C class at Keston today - thought i was in with a chance with a 77 - no chance !!! Birds only for me from now on unless its registered

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Back into whanquer mode for me. 62/100 at a fairly usual Southdown registered. Annoyingly it was only really 3 stands were I killed the first pair then missed ALL the others that ruined my card. The rest of the stands were straightish or just dropping one.


That's what you did when we went to Southdown with Tosspot :lol:


Bogey birds :yes:

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Only if the grounds do something to stop the bandits - 87/100 and 81/100 were the 1st and 2nd scores in C class at Keston today - thought i was in with a chance with a 77 - no chance !!! Birds only for me from now on unless its registered


bigweed. ther will always be the bandbaggers, you cant get away from them but if you had shot your socks off and shot a 88 they would be calling you the same, even though you know your not. people have good days. keep an eye on the names of those that won today and watch there future scores, if they keep doing the same they will go up a class anyway.

keep at it.

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I think they start you off in "un-classified" for a maximum of six months (until the next cut-off date) then you'll get your

first classification. Be careful though, if you only shoot one shoot and score say an 85 your first classification will be AA.

This happened to me many many years ago in FITASC Sporting, I shot one reg comp, shot the highest score I've ever shot in FITASC (an 83 if I remember correctly) was straight into A class (they have A, B, C & D classes) alongside the giants of the sport and then, through a combination of grounds not submitting scores and me not shooting the disciple much, it took me 5 years to get down to B class and I'm still stuck in that. I feel, and my scores show, that I should be C class at best (Unfortunately - I'd love to be a genuine A class FITASC Shot)


Remember it's really easy to go up a class but hard to go down. If you look at the scores from most shoots but Kingsley Moor locally is a good example, all the classes are won with scores 10 birds ( yes birds not targets!!!) higher than the class cut off and thats regularly month in month out. I don't think Kingsley is an easy shoot, not desperately difficult either but I've put 84/85/86 in over the last couple of years and I've never picked up a penny. In fact, if my memory serves me rightly, A class was won recently with a 94!!


This rambling doesn't help you Chard but be aware of what you're letting yourself in for.


Best ***** ***** Regards


Mr Potter


Sorry for the swearing but I just missed a dead easy full stop :lol:

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through a combination of grounds not submitting scores and me not shooting the disciple much,


this rambling doesn't help you Chard but be aware of what you're letting yourself in for.


Best ***** ***** Regards


Mr Potter


Sorry for the swearing but I just missed a dead easy full stop :lol:


Which disciple was it, Matthew, Mark, Luke or John? :lol:


******* cheers, Mr ******* Potter :hmm:


I'll bear it in ******* mind :lol:

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Got 37/50 on sporting at my local club today. Quite pleased, my score seems to have jumped from mid 20's to mid 30's recently.


Got to sort my mount out now. I currently shoot gun down, but right down, it looks really werid but seems to feel right to me, and is consistent . Only thing is I worry I won't get any better without following a more traditional mount.



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I was shooting birds only, that'll make the Cat start spitting (or Smoking) :lol::lol::lol:


I will get registered actually, I need to start winning something :lol: . This lark is getting a bit expensive :lol:


Hmmmm.............Birds Only..........you numptie :hmm: , that's an invention of the Devil, if you enter a clay shooting competition you should bung into the prize pot, if you don't want to, then go look for a "Gay Friendly" shoot just like those Essex boys........whatever next...:lol:, my mate Smoker would be appalled..!! :lol:



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Hmmmm.............Birds Only..........you numptie :lol: , that's an invention of the Devil, if you enter a clay shooting competition you should bung into the prize pot,


Why pay £5 more for competition when you've got no chance of getting any prize cos there's a bunch on bandits putting in scores in the high eighties in C class :hmm: - sort out the class system or the grounds that allow this, then i'll stop birds only. Otherwise its a complete waste of money

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their are a lot of NEW shooters (under 2 years) who appear to want everything from the first day they shoot ( a bit like half the youth in the country who want £50,000 a year jobs from the start, or they dont work!)


if you want to improve and get on in the sport, get on with it, stop moaning and put the shoots in over the YEARS to get where you want. do the COMPS, learn the way things work and go up the classes.

if, and when you get into AAA class, you then have more problems of trying to beat the likes of digweed and faulds. what then?? are they sandbaggers. :lol::hmm:


too many say they are not bothered about getting on in this game but yet moan about there scores not getting better. if your not bothered why moan. if you shoot birds only, dont moan, thats your choice.

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their are a lot of NEW shooters (under 2 years) who appear to want everything from the first day they shoot ( a bit like half the youth in the country who want £50,000 a year jobs from the start, or they dont work!)


if you want to improve and get on in the sport, get on with it, stop moaning and put the shoots in over the YEARS to get where you want. do the COMPS, learn the way things work and go up the classes.

if, and when you get into AAA class, you then have more problems of trying to beat the likes of digweed and faulds. what then?? are they sandbaggers. :lol::hmm:


too many say they are not bothered about getting on in this game but yet moan about there scores not getting better. if your not bothered why moan. if you shoot birds only, dont moan, thats your choice.


Shut yer festering gob, yer t it :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


I shoot birds only because I'm as tight as a crabs harris :lol:

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Why pay £5 more for competition when you've got no chance of getting any prize cos there's a bunch on bandits putting in scores in the high eighties in C class :lol: - sort out the class system or the grounds that allow this, then i'll stop birds only. Otherwise its a complete waste of money


It's an argument that runs on and on. I've been argueing about it forever :lol:


One thing is clear though. Those who are so supportive of a ban on birds-only shooting are the top shots who win the money. This is obviously understandable, but I can't see why they are unable to see it from the mediocre shots point of view. The rank and file just feel that they are subsidising the pot for a handful of top shots, which of course they are. These run of the mill shooters are also sceptical about a system that continues to do nothing about the sandbagging problem (which is obviously not an issue for AAA shooters). I believe that even more grounds would lose interest in holding registered shoots if birds only is banned, as they can at least benefit from more custom, attracted by the more interesting layout of a competition shoot. It might not be ideal, but eventually, some of these mediocre shots will be weaned into competitive shooting, people like me, who have become more confident and competent and are starting to feel that it might be worth having a pop at competitive shooting. I would possibly not have progressed beyond Worsley, if birds only shooting had not been allowed. Like Bigweed, I am also extremely unhappy about the sandbagging problem and the inability or unwillingness of the CPSA to do anything about it, but I'm starting to see that it would still be possible for me to scrape into the prizes in B or A class ('cos I'm Bruce ******* 'ard Lee) :lol:


I regard the year that I've had of shooting birds only as a stepping stone, to see whether I'm likely to be interested in progressing, or indeed able to progress :lol: . Several of the lads who I started straying from Worsley with, have dropped by the wayside and decided that it's not for them. I don't know whether I'd have plunged straight from Worsley into competitive shooting without the birds only buffer, possibly not. I think it depends who you meet. Having met people like Beretta and Tosspot, I find that I get steered more towards the competitive world, but staying within the comfort zone of your local club tends to make people more introverted about this step


My biggest gripe now is that I left it so late in life to take up shooting. At 54, and hurtling towards veterans class, there is only so long that I'm likely to be able to improve, whereas I reckon if I'd started this as a young man, I'd have been pretty good :hmm:

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totally agree with you there chard other than the top shots want birds only banned for personal gain. i dont think they do. its more a case of most (not all) birds only shooters tend to mess about more as they are not serious and have nothing to lose and the guys who want a good result get put off a bit. you cant shoot to your best if all this fun and games is going on behind you.


the cpsa have never come up with a sollution for sandbagging and i doubt they ever will as there is no answer, all you can try to do is get out of those classes and go higher.(its not that hard if you try)


im sure a lot of grounds would be financially better off if they left the cpsa and put easy birds on for all to shoot big scores, but at the end of the day your shooting will be stale at best and you wont learn anything. most dont want a challenge on targets, they want easy shoots. the top shots want a challenge, hence they get better and get to the top.


as for you chard my opinion is you would be A class no prob and if you put your mind to it would get AA in a very short time. (with lots more coaching from me obviously) :lol:

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as for you chard my opinion is you would be A class no prob and if you put your mind to it would get AA in a very short time. (with lots more coaching from me obviously) :lol:



You haven't given me any coaching yet :lol: that was Magman.


I know what you're saying. Actually somebody was banding about a possible solution to sandbagging recently. I can't remember if it was on here, or where I heard it. It was extreme and terminal, but probably effective. The thinking was that you should be classified subject to your best ever scores, rather than your last however many it is. This would mean that it would be easier to force perople into the class that fitted their true capabilities. The problem would be when they got older, injured, senile or whatever, as it would be impossible to go back down and they'd still be stranded in AAA class when they were stumbling around on a zimmer frame :hmm:

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totally agree with you there chard other than the top shots want birds only banned for personal gain. i dont think they do. its more a case of most (not all) birds only shooters tend to mess about more as they are not serious and have nothing to lose and the guys who want a good result get put off a bit. you cant shoot to your best if all this fun and games is going on behind you.


the cpsa have never come up with a sollution for sandbagging and i doubt they ever will as there is no answer, all you can try to do is get out of those classes and go higher.(its not that hard if you try)


im sure a lot of grounds would be financially better off if they left the cpsa and put easy birds on for all to shoot big scores, but at the end of the day your shooting will be stale at best and you wont learn anything. most dont want a challenge on targets, they want easy shoots. the top shots want a challenge, hence they get better and get to the top.


as for you chard my opinion is you would be A class no prob and if you put your mind to it would get AA in a very short time. (with lots more coaching from me obviously) :lol:


That isn't really necessary though is it? It is down to being fleeced for an extra few quid at every turn. £53 for 100 birds at the british open springs to mind. What is the prize for high gun? A bit of plastic and £250? Take the Essex Masters as an example £70 for 200 birds and an awesome prize fund down to 8th place in all classes.


Some of the best shoots I have been on have been non cpsa registered or organised, The recent Essex club challenge was a thoroughly enjoyable and well organised shoot. There were no queues or break downs and very few no birds.


I like to be challenged on all shoots and as I am yet to shoot a straight 50/50 means I am still learning. Does a shoot have to be registered to be challenging? one club local to me would challenge all of you AAA shooters and my average drops by 15% easily if I shoot there. I don't very often as it usually clashes with what I consider better and friendlier clubs.

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If they banned birds only, then I would not have been able to meet up with the PW people that came to the "PW Daddy" comp earlier this year. That alone should be a reason to keep birds only.


Oh yes, that and the fact the I don't always want to be chasing a better score, or an improvement on my class.

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Shot at my local today on what the manager called a "testing" layout. Shot like a ***** and got a 54x100. I even managed to blank an stand, which hurt lots.


why does it hurt if you not bothered.?


i never said non cpsa shoots only put easy targets on, but on the whole they do or people go elswhere. people want to hit clays!


as for the costings? thats cpsa for you.

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I don't know whether we all keep records of our "progress" but I do :lol:


The following dates and scores show the gradual creeping upwards of my personal best out of 100 Sporting. A painfully slow upwards journey until this year, when I have gained confidence and decided that I would like to take this sport further than just a weekly craic with the lads.


Apr 2005 - 74

Jul 2005 - 78

Feb 2006 - 80

Jul 2006 - 82

Aug 2008 - 84

Dec 2008 - 84

May 2009 - 85

Jun 2009 - 90

Jun 2009 - 92


Nothing wrong with a weekly craic with the lads of course, but I can see now that it doesn't do much for your scores :lol:

These are only club scores, I hasten to add :hmm: I'm still arseing around the upper 70's/low 80's on competition courses :lol:

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