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Good rabbit gun


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Hello all, a couple of local land owners have asked me to help with their rabbit problems, I only have shoguns and a

think it could be time to apply for my FAC. Is this the way to go, and if so, could someone point me me towards the proper way to do it with regard to the legal aspects.


If it s a rifle I need not an air rifle, advice on an adeqate weapon would be great, at the moment I will only be shooting rabbits so something for a clean kill, and reasonably priced ammunition.If you've seen the ideal rifle on this forum it could help my homework.


Thanks in advance


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it really depends on the land/range if it is short'ish ranges say 25-100 yards then a .22rimfire would be perfect but for further out say 100-200+ a 17hmr

would be better

as far as rifles go cz bruno, anshultz, or a sako with a sound moderator would be a very good choice

and good scopes is needed buy the best scope you can buy.


legals would be ether ring your police force up and ask for advice, ring the basc or even ask your local gun dealer, and it would be better to get your

shooting pemition in writing.


hope this helps


regards deer stalker

Edited by deer stalker
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If it s a rifle I need not an air rifle, advice on an adeqate weapon would be great, at the moment I will only be shooting rabbits so something for a clean kill, and reasonably priced ammunition.If you've seen the ideal rifle on this forum it could help my homework.


Thanks in advance



do you mean your getting a rifle or do you want to know whats the best gun type overall?


personally ive shot far more rabbits with a shotgun than i ever have with a rifle. rifles are ok if youre going to be sitting in one place or sneaking up on rabbits that are sitting still, but i find theres nothing better than getting after them with a shotgun.


if your are going down the route of fac i would recommend a 5 shot (or more) semi auto; can be used for everything, stationary rabbits, bolting rabbits, pigeons, crows, etc.


but it depends on the ranges youl be shooting at :yes:

Edited by babbyc1000
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do you mean your getting a rifle or do you want to know whats the best gun type overall?


personally ive shot far more rabbits with a shotgun than i ever have with a rifle. rifles are ok if youre going to be sitting in one place or sneaking up on rabbits that are sitting still, but i find theres nothing better than getting after them with a shotgun.


if your are going down the route of fac i would recommend a 5 shot (or more) semi auto; can be used for everything, stationary rabbits, bolting rabbits, pigeons, crows, etc.


but it depends on the ranges youl be shooting at :good:


The only problem with shooting them with a shotgun is if you sell them on most dealers only want rifle shot ones because of pellets in the meat.

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hi-ive been shooting rabbits for over 30 years so i guess i should offer my pennys-worth-buy a cz 452 (brno)-you can pick them up for peanuts and unless they are completley sh****d (which is very rare) they will pop rabbits at 100 yards all day long-when you apply for your FAC (and its much easier than most people would have you believe) dont forget to apply for the silencer as well or you will have to apply at a later date and it will cost you-ask about hollow-point ammo as well cos i seem to remember that i had to make an application for that -shooting rabbits with a rimfire is about as much fun as you can have with your trousers on -good luck-bruno. :yes:

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