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Overclocking and AMD64 stuff

white fox

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My son Alec has recently started a forum dedicated to overclocking and AMD64 processors, also 3D modelling and gaming.


If any of you are into this, you might find it helpful.




I personally don't understand half of it, it must be a subculture or something, or am I too old? :lol:


note - the users have some very strange signatures compared to here :)



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Basically overclocking is making your cpu of your computer run faster than it normally runs at , so in theory you get a faster computer for no extra cost .


Ie with socket a (athlon xp chips) if your motherboard can take it you can slap in a mobile athlon 2500(2.5 ghz) or sometimes a standard 2500 and run it as a 3200(3.2)ghz or higher for no extra cost . All depends on if you overclock the fsb or if the cpu has an unlocked multiplier.


Have always done this on my computers where the chip is overclockable , at the moment I am overclocking with an Athlon 64 coupled with 2 Raptor hard drives in raid 0 and 1gig of ram and the computer flies .


He probably knows but there is a big forum here www.overclockers.co.uk , but be warned they also sell loads of hardware so your pocket may get lighter .


Its all a bit geeky in the scheme of things but then again are'nt most hobbys . :)

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overclocking is not for the computer illiterate, the information is out there if anyones cares to read up on it.


www.overclockers.co.uk forum would be the place to start.


I bought my hardware for my PC from them :) Top end PC for half the price you would pay from the likes of PC world ( :lol:??? :yp: :D PCWorld)

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