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Which scope for 17 HMR under £100 .

Salop Matt

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Okay folks what scope would you recomend for £100 on a CZ 17 HMR, I dont like the idea of anything illuminated and think i would prefer a standard reticule of a plane cross hair ( narrower in the middle).


I have a few ideas such as a : 3 x 9 x 40 or MTC OPTICS VIPER 10x44 IRS SCB Reticle



will be used for day use and lamping at night ?


Also am I right to be jubious about the quallity of Hawke scopes !

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a very good condition Full Field II 3-9x50 would be an excellent HMR scope for that price range and you'll not touch better quality glass at that price, especially with the weakness in the pound. When the pound was at 2:1 on the dollar you might have come close, but not right now.


disclaimer: I have no ties to baldrick or interest in that scope.




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The NIKKO 3 - 12 x 56 looks a bit of a beast, would one of those require high scope mounts for clearance at the objective end ?



yep, but if you get the 50 you can just get it on medium mounts, or shall we say mine fits on my heavy barrelled cz and you can just get a fag paper between it and the barrel

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