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Snowy Stalk


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The weather was not looking good on the journey to the afternoon stalk - blizzard conditions - seeing the deer could be a problem :yay:


As this area is heavily wooded with a few rides to shoot on we decided to press on (I have no idea why we even consider a U turn - it has never happened yet and is never likely to :yay: we are generally too keen by half)


So sitting up a little after 2:00pm with really changeable weather, snow flurries, grey skies, wind, blue skies, no wind, snow flurries again - it's conditions like these that remind me why I have butler creeks fitted :good: - they were flapping up and down like mad keeping the snow off.


Just as well too, as looking down this ride around 5:00pm - the toes were a little nippy by now - a few fallow stepped out




The first one looked a bit small, the second looked ok and the third looked a nice size - that was the ideal target :good:


I had a little waiting to do as they were all lined up and ducking around - I didn't want three deer for one bullet :yay: The patience paid off as after less than one minute the larger one stepped to the side of the others and offered a good neck shot - rested off the high seat at 110 yards that was taken :yahoo:




The other two stood still for a few seconds - but not quite long enough for me to reload and get the crosshairs on them - I DID TRY :yahoo: They then ran into the wood to the left of the ride so I waited a while incase they stepped back out but wanted to make use of the fading light to get the first gralloched.


As I walked down the ride (I'd given up stalking now) I bumped the two out and across the wood - in the direction of a couple of mates in other high seats, seen but not shot by them.


I great afternoon out, I warmed up doing the gralloch and getting the beast out.




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