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Famous for 15 minutes!


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Hello all,


Over the past few months I have been seriously considering writing another book - an indispensable guide that will take the novice or inexperienced shooter from their initial steps of owning a shotgun or rimfire rifle, right through to the most advanced decoying electronics, lamping equipment and even night vision accessories available to the 21st century shot.


I have read everything I can find that covers rough shotgun and rimfire hunting and one thing is clearly evident - the last decade or so is missing. And a lot's happened in that time, what with rotaries, peckers, flocked decoys, advanced hide and camouflage materials, HMRs etc to help (and sometimes hinder) the likes of you and me.


I am fully aware that techniques developed many moons ago still produce the goods - and always will - but there's not a book out there that is fully in tune with the 21st century.


You only have to look at many of this forum user's signatures and it's clearly evident that there are many people who shoot both rimfires and shotguns for pigeons and rabbits. And there's even more who aspire to do just that - well that's exactly the person who needs a copy of this book, if it should ever get off the ground.


This isn't some sort of pipe dream. I am deadly serious about this project and have thought it through thoroughly, but I cannot do this single-handedly.


If you feel you are confident and experienced enough to provide any input into this project I would really like to hear from you. For example, perhaps you're technically minded and you could write 1000 words on bullet trajectories, maybe you regard yourself as an expert in stalking rabbit at close range, perhaps you have been lamping for donkey's years and you would like to pass on all your tips, or maybe you would like to give your opinion on cartridge selection and shotgun type? Maybe you're a landowner and have views on what the shooter should try to achieve - it will all help produce a damn fine, informative book.


All those things and much more should be detailed in this book.


I don't know about payment at this stage, and I don't know about the book's structure, content, number of photos or style, but I do have a publisher who may be interested, if the plan is nailed down and presented correctly.


So, if you think you could make a valid contribuition to a book that caters for the 21st century rabbit and pigeon hunter, and you fancy having your 15 minutes of fame, let me know




Edited by Toombsy
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excelent idea toombsy,this is definitely a book that neads writing.please dont forget to include a section on air rifles.i know this subject is quite well covered already,but if this book is aimed at the more rounded shooter or the person aiming to try every aspect of shooting as a sport,it has to be all inclusive :good::hmm::hmm:

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Thanks for your input.


I believe you're right that that subject needs coverign in detail, but to truly give air rifle shooting the justice it deserves will require a book in itself, and there are already many good books available on that subject. Pete Wadeson's book is a classic example - it's a pretty comprehensive read.

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New Yorkshire Pudding surely? :hmm:


I am indeed working on a newer better recipe, and i do not mean to take this man thunder about his brilliant idea of writing a book, and a few recipes would be in order and perhaps i may of help too :hmm: Who knows.. I would purchase the book as well :good: BTW Markio? Is that your baby? Beautiful child :hmm: Reminds me of my own so many years ago..

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I am indeed working on a newer better recipe, and i do not mean to take this man thunder about his brilliant idea of writing a book, and a few recipes would be in order and perhaps i may of help too :hmm: Who knows.. I would purchase the book as well :good: BTW Markio? Is that your baby? Beautiful child :hmm: Reminds me of my own so many years ago..



But yorkies are excellent as they are, if you change it would they still be yorkshires?


And yes, she is ours, thank you. She's a very good girl and i'm very lucky! :hmm:


Anyway, back on track, i think Lee has something, a recipe section to show what to do with your quarry is an excellent way to finish the book off. That is a common newbie question too after all.

Edited by Markio
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That's exactly what I intend on doing - If there's anyone out there who feels as though they can offer specialist advice on any given subject, I would very much like to hear from them.


For example, one user PM'd me offering to provide some help and guidance on buying their first rimfire and what to expect from it in the first couple of years of ownership, in terms of what went wrong, what needed doing and how to set it up correctly. It's information like that that can really help someone to not make the same mistakes twice.


That's just the sort of thing I'm looking for.


So, any further help will be welcomed



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