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Pigeon lofting rockers for 40p


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Thought I'd share this with you. Bit of a money-saving tip...


I needed a couple of lofting rockers in a hurry and as my local gunshops hadn't got any I knocked some up. For about 40p each... Not bad, considering they are about £6.50 each in the shops.


You need some strong garden wire and either some leger fishing weights or a decent pebble. I got my wire from Wickes. It's green, 3.5m long and cost £3.90.


Cut off about 3ft of wire, thread it through the decoy body from the tail, pass it through the hole in the breast and bend securely to lock it in place.


Now attach either a 2oz leger weight to the end of the wire, or wrap the wire around a pebble to act as a counter balance.


The next bit will depend upon which style of decoy you have, but with a bit of bending to form a hook shape and by bending the wire hanging down from the decoy you can get the balance right and hey presto.


It took me all of 5 minutes to make two, and that could be done in the field. Dead easy! :whistling:


Here's some pics...


Will let you know how they work in the field tomorrow, so finger's crossed




Edited by Toombsy
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That is a fishing pole. It's not telescopic though - you got to put each section together, just like lofting poles.


It's carbon, strong enough to do the job and all the 10 sections fit inside each other when it's packed away - nice and light and compact.


Picked it up for a tenner at a market stall. Perfect :whistling:

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Have just taken them out for a quick test. They lofted quite easily and rocked in the slight breeze we have here.


Left them in the tree for a little while, while I took a walk to check out the rabbits and wish I'd brought the gun - the decoys brought two small flocks in almost straight away.

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