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Rest In Peace Jack


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Jack, Black Lab - Born 1994.


My first Dog. The most caring, soft, laid back, funny companion you could ever ask for. My BEST friend for 14 years.


I had to let you go today Jack as you had no quality of life left. Belive me when I say it was the hardest thing I have done and I am so sorry I could not be their with you in your final moments.


You will never be forgotton by any of us and we will think about you every day.


Jack 1994 - 2009 - You will be missed more than you know.




Lee, Sarah, Jordan and Aero.

Edited by ShaggyRS6
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I'm very sorry to hear of your sad loss of Jack, my neighbor also lost their Lab this week and she was a lovely dog.


Mickey Rourke, the actor, has said some very moving things about his dog which he has recently lost, the greatest friend he ever had, he said, who was the only constant thing in his life through all the rough times and without doubt helped him pull himself back together.


Dogs are without doubt man's greatest companion and friend.

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