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Pigeon 'Cradles'


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Click onto the tips & tricks pigeon when opening pigeon watch, and scroll down to tip number 19. I put this on years ago, and this is a very effective way of creating movement with decoys. Credit goes to an old mate of mine who came up with the idea back in the late 1970's



Edited by steve_b_wales
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That's the only problem, getting the wire coat hangers. I was lucky, because when I was working i a hospital a few years ago, I had a few hundred given me by the laundry girls who were throwing them away and replacing them with plastic, becuase of 'health and safety'

Ask around, I'm sure somebody will have them. The other option is to get the wire that farmers use on the top of fencing. you could bend that (somehow) into shape.

The 'cradles' do work. I was very surprised that something as simple as that worked well.

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