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The 'Fear'


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An interesting phenomena I would like to share - how many others get this?


I was out lamping the other night alone on foot on the golf course when i got that unexplainable feeling of fear. It made me paranoid and jumpy at my own shadow. I have no idea what triggers it but its not the first time, though it was the first time it happened since I got my rimfire.


does anyone else get this? has it ever made you call it a night and go home? :birthday:

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An interesting phenomena I would like to share - how many others get this?


I was out lamping the other night alone on foot on the golf course when i got that unexplainable feeling of fear. It made me paranoid and jumpy at my own shadow. I have no idea what triggers it but its not the first time, though it was the first time it happened since I got my rimfire.


does anyone else get this? has it ever made you call it a night and go home? :birthday:


i call it getting spooked, used to happen me alot near an old disused farm yard i shot around, but i find slipping a couple of buckshot shells into the gun cures all fears :birthday:

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I used to do a lot of carp fishing and go right through the winter, when its dark for 16 hrs a day and i was the only one on the lake i would get the heebie jeebies every now and again and go hunting round with a torch and a stick, never had it while shooting at night though, maybe something to do with the big 10bore tucked under my arm



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An interesting phenomena I would like to share - how many others get this?


I was out lamping the other night alone on foot on the golf course when i got that unexplainable feeling of fear. It made me paranoid and jumpy at my own shadow. I have no idea what triggers it but its not the first time, though it was the first time it happened since I got my rimfire.


does anyone else get this? has it ever made you call it a night and go home? :birthday:



I know exactly what you mean. My 7 year old and 4 year old get this all the time :birthday:


Try sleeping with the landing light on, that may help.

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I get asked this question a lot when people find out I'm out in the middle of nowhere at night on my own. Most people say they would get the creeps being out alone but I honestly don't suffer from it at all. I think if you know the landscape well (which you should if you are shooting at night!) then you know what all the strange noises and shapes are in the dark and it shouldn't bother you.


I get more bothered by the damn cows than ghosties to be honest... the evil ******* seem to like sneaking up on me. It's like the cravendale advert... you swing the lamp round and the cows are scattered all around acting innocently.... then you get the feeling you are being watched, turn around again and they are suddenly in a circle all around you staring! :birthday:

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An interesting phenomena I would like to share - how many others get this?


I was out lamping the other night alone on foot on the golf course when i got that unexplainable feeling of fear. It made me paranoid and jumpy at my own shadow. I have no idea what triggers it but its not the first time, though it was the first time it happened since I got my rimfire.


does anyone else get this? has it ever made you call it a night and go home? :birthday:


You mean being a pussy ? :yay: only joking mate :yes:

Try watching a horror film then walking home 3 miles at 1am! That golf course aint got nothing :birthday: lol

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You mean being a pussy ? :birthday: only joking mate :hmm:

Try watching a horror film then walking home 3 miles at 1am! That golf course aint got nothing :birthday: lol


or watching dawn of the dead, walking home at 2 am and havin two mates ambush you pretending to be zombies! though in that case i was one of the kind hearted, caring, considerate mates who knew a pal had a phobia of zombies and so forced him to watch dawn of the dead and then ambushed him on his way home.... :yay::yes::):hmm:

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or watching dawn of the dead, walking home at 2 am and havin two mates ambush you pretending to be zombies! though in that case i was one of the kind hearted, caring, considerate mates who knew a pal had a phobia of zombies and so forced him to watch dawn of the dead and then ambushed him on his way home.... :birthday: :birthday: :yay::yes:


Hahaha me and a mate did this to another mate when the Blair Witch came out. We set up bricks and sticks in trees held up with fishing line. He came walking through and we played some sound effects and started cutting the fishing lines....thud...thud...thud... he ran all the way home :):hmm::hmm:

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Hahaha me and a mate did this to another mate when the Blair Witch came out. We set up bricks and sticks in trees held up with fishing line. He came walking through and we played some sound effects and started cutting the fishing lines....thud...thud...thud... he ran all the way home :birthday::birthday::yay:


Ur lucky he ran... I'd have shot you! :yes:

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The Fear you write about is a state of mind, I do know what you mean though, when I first started sea trout fishing ( sewin in Welsh ) years ago 90% of my time was spent in the wee small hours by myself on rivers in West Wales, I knew like the back of my hand as the sewin is more comfortable during the dark, to keep me company, I had heron's, rabbits, the howls of the fox, the owls, the bulls, the cows, sheep, ducks, bats, otters, mink, rats and of course you had the fish, everything could be deadly quiet, sheer bliss, then all of a sudden, the pool you were fishing would erupt and anyone could swear a cow fell in the river, this could happen 3 or 4 yards from you and you wouldn't know when it was going to happen lol but it does give you an adrenalin kick lol, you could be fishing, totally chilled out and a heron could fly over your head and the swoop of his wings will make you duck lol.


To me though the best sight was watching a big dog otter swimming around looking for fish, of course the pool is ruined then, he would swim around you and you wouldn't bother him one bit, to watch such a cheeky, brave, beautiful creature like an otter is inspirational.


You get into sewin fishing, your phobia of fear will go, when your mind starts thinking, I love this peace and quiet, it becomes a pleasure to be there on your todd.

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when we were younger and had a bit too much spare time 1/2 a dozen of us would go up the church yard at night with a ouija board, sounds a bit stupid now i'm older but it was fun at the time, but one lad really hated it and it scared the doodoo out of him so much that we would have to follow him home after, one night another lad hid in the back of his car and when on a dark lane he jumped out on him and we could see all this in my headlights as he skidded to a stop half on the verge and ran off across the fields and just left his car, we took it home for him after about 1/2 an hour, he didnt even come out for about 4 months after that, now that really is "the fear"



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when we were younger and had a bit too much spare time 1/2 a dozen of us would go up the church yard at night with a ouija board, sounds a bit stupid now i'm older but it was fun at the time, but one lad really hated it and it scared the doodoo out of him so much that we would have to follow him home after, one night another lad hid in the back of his car and when on a dark lane he jumped out on him and we could see all this in my headlights as he skidded to a stop half on the verge and ran off across the fields and just left his car, we took it home for him after about 1/2 an hour, he didnt even come out for about 4 months after that, now that really is "the fear"




:birthday: :birthday: :yay::yes:

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:yes: i'd always been of the 'i'm not scared of anything' frame of mind for years, until my mate bob and i decided to go carp fishing to the river lott in southern france. When we arrived we hired a boat and travelled about 4 miles upriver in one of the most beautiful, scenic valleys i have ever seen, glorious sunshine, wildlife all around and huge carp leaping out of the crystal clear water . We had found carp fishing heaven. It was'nt until nightfall that we realised how isolated we were, being a valley there was no light at all from surrounding towns and the moon did'nt even make it over the mountains to give us any. We both sat in our bivvys discussing this new found feeling of fear. Now i'm 6'2" and 19 stone and my mate bob is a well hardened local tough guy, but we sat there that first night like a couple of 3 year olds convinced there definatly was a monster in the cupboard! We heard 'things' crashing trough the trees behind us, branches being snapped, other 'things' being killed by bigger 'things' and what can only be described as something the size of rhinos jumping into the river! I had never been so pleased to see daylight and the next night we moved our bivvys so close together that our heads were nearly touching through the material and we had the biggest fire you could imagine to keep away the beasties! We did have a good laugh about it but decided not to tell anyone though. . . . . Until now, oops p.s the fishing was superb had 35 fish in five days up to 40 odd lb's
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It seems perfectly reasonable to me that anything that involves mankinds' primeval instincts, such as hunting and stalking, is also going to waken those parts of the brain that are ancient and primitive, such as fear of what could be out there in the dark. (or what could be out there ready to steal your dinner).


Getting spooked is just your survival instinct showing it still works.



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I'm a big boy now and not scared of the dark..but...I certainly don't like walking through woodland on a dark night, especially when off a path. I must admit if I am out and about at night I will always walk around a wood than take a short cut through it. I tell yself its because there is too much chance of tripping over or wlking into a branch etc but that is only part of the reason, the main reason is coz its '******* scarey.

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It seems perfectly reasonable to me that anything that involves mankinds' primeval instincts, such as hunting and stalking, is also going to waken those parts of the brain that are ancient and primitive, such as fear of what could be out there in the dark. (or what could be out there ready to steal your dinner).


Getting spooked is just your survival instinct showing it still works.



Yes i think your right Rhiannon, i'd never thought of that, i'll think i'll use your reasoning if i tell that story again, my 'survival instinct' was working overtime that first night

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I gave myself a right fright one inky black and windy night; out with the lamp but mooching about with it off. An unidentified animal of some description (a hare I think, but christ knows) got up right from under my feet - I almost filled my pants and let out a proper "Ned Flanders" style scream :yes:


I couldn't settle for the rest of the night and with the lamp battery fading, it was time to head home :lol:

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Hi fo5ter i too have had this feeling on a golf course too? Is it the same one i wonder - i see you are in Leics?



charnwood - the borough, not the golf course.


I suppose it doesnt help that the golf course in the middle of a big cat hotspot.

I know the area like the back of my hand and most often will have a great night. just occasionally its spooky, when there are no rabbits at all, often when the badgers are out but its not them that are scary - aggressive ******* though they are.


Having a loaded gun doesnt seem to help much - i agree with the primal instincts bit though as i feel a lot safer with a knife in my hand than with a loaded rifle which doesnt really make logica sense. perhaps i should fix a byonet to my rifle? :yes:

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As a teenager I worked nights filling shelves in a supermarket. It was very spooky how all the tins would settle down in the night sometimes falling off shelves.



The worst fright I had was after watching the film the Fly I was walking home on the blackest night I have ever seen ( no street\house lights ) when I bumped into something alive , brisley and about 4 foot high that made a screeching Awww , Awww . I nearly died on the spot and ran back to my mates farmhouse. We returned with a torch and found a donkey had got out of its field.



There have one or two times when out wildfowling in the early hours of a moonlit night when I have been gripped by a fear I cant explain and had to pack up and go home.

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