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Worth my weight in gold


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Went round to see my biggest land owner tonite, i have permission to use a shotgun on his land covering about 1400 acres, phoned him to see if he would give me permission to use a rifle on it as i have my FEO coming round tomorrow to sort out my shooting club variations, He asked if i was the guy that drove the white ford ranger and said yes that was me, slightly worried he knew my vehicle, went round and he asked what i was looking for said i wondered if he would give me permission to use a rifle on some of his land, he then asked if i had got many pigeons and were many on his land, I said i had seen a few but since i had been going out they are well under control, he then said yes he had noticed as the rape is looking alot bigger and finally taking and he had been driving around and spotted my vehicle alot.

He proceeded to fill out my form and gave me a map, turns out the map shows cleared rifle land for .17mr, 0.22lr and .223 covering 1200 hectares, which i worked out to be 3000 ish acres or 5 square miles said i am free to use rifle and shotgun. Also said that he has another 2000 acres he has permission to farm and that if i wanted anymore land all i have to do is ask and he will get me special permisson.

he shook my hand thanked me for what i have done and said people like me are worth their weight in gold.

very chuffed.

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Comments like that are great to hear. I wish I got them more often.


I have two farmers who really seem to appreciate what I do. It's nice to get the odd compliment from them. The others sound almost not keen when I phone them to say I'm going out! I don't know if they worry about me using a rifle but OK'd it anyway to help me out? I never leave litter and even pick up stuff that isn't mine if I spot it. I think they just get a bit concerned about chunks of copper flying around at 3000fps near their houses! It's fair enough really. I shoot a lot of vermin for them and make a visible difference to the crop damage, I think that's the only reason they tollerate me :good:

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Congratulations... that sure is alot of land to cover !....... let me know if i can be of any assistance :good::yes:


Farmers and landowners can be funny ******* at times , the hardest part is for them to get to know you and eventually trust you. Once they see you have done the job and caused them no hassle they really are different people..... just got to get them to let you on their ground in the first place.


How many acres does that make now ? Ever thought of becoming a professional land aquireing agent......


Well done.


Dave :yes:

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