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Setting up a hide


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In a few weeks I will be back home again and want to concentrate a bit on the crows around a couple of my permissions.


A number of people suggest the best time to get them is at first light.


How do you see enough to set up in the dark? I know the answer is 'Use a head torch'


I am thinking about getting a Coleman Northstar Lantern. does anyone have one and will it be good enough?





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Firstly, I think the advice that you need to be there at first light is rubbish.

Rooks and crows are usually the last birds to go to roost and will often flight in in the dark, perhaps your informants have got a bit mixed up.


If I wanted to be in a hide at first light, I would make it the day before.

Wandering round with a Tilley lamp on, or a torch, is not a good idea.

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I have a Coleman Northstar, Kicks out shed loads of light, enough that two of us fishing on the beach can have it between us and still have to turn it down as it cocks up night vision. Great for tackling up and baiting up.

As for having a Coleman shooting?? Not my call I can only give advice on the item itself :blush:


Crows round my way first light is best shooting. Just an observation from my neck of the woods.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jet lag hit me this morning at 04:00 so I thought I would have a bash at the crows at first light, running on the info given I didn't take the Coleman, just a head torch.


Managed to be set up by 06:00 , still pitch black so I had a coffee and the preverbial fag.


Started to see my deeks around 06:15 so started calling, within 2-3 mins 2 came into the deeks calling very loudly, I could just about see them, managed to bag one, the other got away.

20 mins later, the light was much better, another one came into the deeks and was bagged. (I had the wind and RAIN behind me so the crows were coming straight at me)


Went very quiet at 08:30 so, soaked to the skin I called it a day with 5 crows to go into the freezer to use as deeks Monday.



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