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Hatsan Diamond


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Evening folks,


I have just purchased a Hatsan Diamond. Its a super magnum which I think means it will take 3 and a half inch magnums.


Any advice on the gun would be much appreciated, from sell it straight away to what cartridges they like or don't like.


Any cleaning dismantling advice would also be greatly appreciated, I will be using it for pigeon/crow shooting mostly.


Thanks in advance, Paul.

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Sam, do you have any experiance of these guns? From what I understand the company, Matsan is owned by Beretta and they are very popular in America but there is no main UK importer. From the one I have seen ther build quality looks to be better than the Hatsan Escorts.

I too would be very interested in any info anyone has on these guns.

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  • 1 month later...

The Matsan has gone back to the shop today and was straight swapped for a brand spanker Hatsan Escort semi auto 28" barrels in camo. Just been out with it and downed a tree rat and i'm really pleased with it.I have read some pooh reviews on them but with a 3 year guarantee I am willing to take the risk with the jamming stories.I was using 32g No6 and put about 20 rounds through it and i had no problems.


I hope it is "one of the good ones".........



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I am very happy with my escort :P


I think the 'new' ones have the curvy butt pad :lol:


Good shooting :hmm:


Cheers Edward,



Yes it has got a curvy but pad with a few extra spacers in the box, I am going to see what loads it will recycle on the clays as soon as I get chance, but its mainly going to be for rough/hide shooting, so far though I'm really pleased with it.



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You will grow to love it. An excellent gun for the money. If it does not recycle less than 32gram, wait till you have put a few of your 32grams through it first and I can assure you then, that it will.


When I first got mine I was using 32gram and when I went over to 28gram it did not want to know with 3 up the spout, but it was fine with 2. I have now put about 5000 through it and it works fine with anything. I guess they need breaking in. Don't be tempted to exchange it, because you have a fine all weather low maintenance gun there for a fraction of the price the people who tell you to get rid of it, paid for theirs.

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Hi All

I have a Hatsan Escort 12g semi auto at one point 2 of them! in my experience they handle every thing from 28grams to 32 grams and my reloads, "honest" no problem the only cartridge they did not like was the Lyevale Express it appeared that the size of the rim of the head of the case on the Express is very thin and during cycling they would slip past the magazine follower and two cartridges would end up stuck in action !!! I found they cycled everything else Eley,Winchester, Fiocchi, RC etc

I use mine for bunny bashing to devastating effect!!

Superb guns for money, just keep them clean. they are after all just copys of the Remington action.


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hatsan are changing their name to hartley escort as their guns jam more than anybodies should know got one myself and my mate bought one used it once it broke sent it back to importers had to wait 9 weeks to come back a joke and the best thing is every single gun dealer know these guns are really bad but they still keep selling them to fill their pockets its wrong

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