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Crate or no Crate??

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Hope you can help? I picked up my 8 week old english springer last week and during the day he is no problem at all! As soon as it is time for bed though he goes mad. I remove food and drink around 2 hrs before bed. Then before bed its outside to do his business no problem there. Then the fun begins.

The first night we tried the crate and he did not stop yelping and scraching to get out all night(He did go out for 2 pees) and i mean alllllll night!! So the second night we removed the crate and he woke once went out around 3am then woke at 7am excellent we thought! But on the 3rd,4th and 5th night he kicked off again all night non stop crying!

So what is the best way to go? Put him back in the crate or leave him out in his bed?? I work nights so my wife and daughter are the ones that are suffering and if I can t get control of it then its gonna be the end of my dream to have a gundog!!!


Please help!!!

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I have done this with both of my springers, and you have to ignore the yelping...

Its like a baby...the pup will soon realise that you will respond if it yelps...so dont do it.


Leave a radio playing if it needs some noise etc, im sure after a few nights it will settle down


Good lucks and enjoy the pup :)

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Crate! Don't give in! It takes time and patience - it's not cruel, but necessary. Wold you let a crying child in your bed every night? It's the same thing. The pup has been used to having it's litter mates around (were there still a lot when you picked the pup up?) and craves the company, warmth and associated noises and smells. When we sold our pups last year, all the owners were asked to bring a towel, tshirt or similar item that had their scent on it, so that the pup they'd chosen could be left to sleep on its own for short periods with the item, before the new owner picked the pup up. We found that the pups all settled into their news homes really easily, with no whining or crying at night.


All the suggestions of hot water bottles, clocks, radios etc are good ones, but be patient and don't give in... :)

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I went with the crate from the start, my gsp was 8 weeks old also i was told to put him in it then leave him till the morning reguardless of how much noise he makes.I couldn't believe how quick it worked within 4-5 days total quiet, soiling stopped shortly after.I just gave him a fleece blanket and vet bed in the bottom no food or water on a night in the crate, on a nite at first stayed up later than usual to let him have the chance to relieve himself then that was it until 6ish in the morning,he was noisy but we shut all the doors from the kitchen and bedroom and gritted our teeth,no shouting at him or letting him out in the night and i was amazed how quick he learned.Now he's 15 week old on a weekend we can lay in a bit longer without any barking.

I am certainly pro-crate after my experience with my dog.

Hope it works for you Nick :angry:

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defo a crate jess was in one from the minuet i got her at 10 weeks old loves it now she even takes herself off into for a lie down without being told, but if we are going out all we have to say to her is crate and she,s in there like a shot but then again we give her praise and a small treat every time we put her in .

on a night we put her to bed between 10/11pm and she,s there till 7.30am no probs .

as many have said just ignore her crys [ wich is a lot harder to do than say ] and the pup will as i found out soon stop :angry:

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So just clear one thing up for me!! Do i lock the crate door when its bed time?? I read somwhere that if you do then your stressing the dog and he feels punished, believe me if i don t lock it theres no way he ll stay in it!


I have always looked at using a crate as keeping the pup out of harms way, when you are not with it, so deff lock it

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We used a crate with my Lab when we first had her. Then i bought a kennel and run. We were lucky she rarely makes any noise.


When my dad had springers, years back, if they were noisy when he put them out he would put an item of his clothing out with them. Normally an old gardening jumper something a bit "high" with your sweat on it seemed to do the trick.


I believe that these days you can get herbal stuff you put on the dogs tongue/in the water for firework night etc to calm them down which might be worth a try. Someone was telling me about this the other day but I can't remember the name of the stuff, i will try and remember, sorry.


We had one little bitch that howled and howled when our old dog died, the vet gave my dad some tablets for her. He said,"try giving her one of these last thing at night Don, if it doesn't work on her, take one yourself!"


Atb, ft

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