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How Often?


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Hi all,


Snoop has had a real tough 3 weeks of late, he has being really ill, has spent about 2 1/2 weeks of that in the vets.

At one stage we were preparing ourselves for the worst, and we were ******g ourselves. He had haemorrhagic gastro-enteritis, which at first they thought was parvo :lol: . Anyway he is now on the road to recovery, but when i collected him from the vets they have put him on a light/sensitivity diet to protect the lineing of his stomach, he has being having FIVE light meals a day.


So this is the question just through interest HOW MANY TIMES A DAY DO YOU FEED YOUR DOG?


Before his illness Snoop was feed Twice a day BREAKFAST AND DINNER.


Thanks for your time and looking!



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how does he eat?


ie does he wolf down as much as possible or take it more gently.


My GWP is fed adlib so I put down a bowl in the morning and she has what she wants then snacks through the day then gets it topped up if needed in the evening. Won't work with labs etc but might be an answer to your requirement of lots of feeds. I find it takes the excitement out of feeding time and they don't tend to bolt it down as much,

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al4x, The five feeds are just a temperary measure, we have already started to break it down to three feeds as he is recovering very quicky (thank god).

His usual feeds are Porridge/cereal in the morning which he will eat straight away, then he has his main dinner feed around 5ish, he will either eat it all there and then or eat it as the rest of the night goes on (depends on his mood).


I just wondered in general How many feeds most people give there dogs!

I would presume there would be quite a differing an answers.





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For ours (Welsh Terriers), once they got through the puppy stages into adulthood, we just feed them once a day, in the evening. They will usually get a few treats during the day if they are working, but if just lazing about it's just the one meal...

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Sorry to hear about the trauma you've all been going through --- glad to hear things are on the up with Snoop.


Our one has been a different dog (for the better) since switching him from 3 to 2 feeds but as you know he's still young and developing.


The trouble we had with three feeds seemed to be that he was never properly full-up, so always on the lookout for more (he's a complete gluton) and always processing food which made it seem like he was constantly pooing.


Our has been a bit off the grub at times of late and barfed a few times too but am putting that down to teething - his gums are bleeding and the big bad boy teeth are coming through.


Still be good to meet up when everything your end is sorted




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Thanks for the concern Raja, Hopefully his well over it now, he's absolutely bouncing again (touch wood).

I don't think personally that it matters how many or much you feed these pointers, they are like tramps when it comes to food :yes:<_<


As for meeting up mate, whenever your ready give me a shout!!


ATB turk101

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how old is the dog mate

i still feed my 6 month springer 3 times a day , i dont know if this is recommened or not .

she needs a bit more weight and muscle on her in my opinion , i wish i could feed ad-lib , but my greedy lab would scoff the lot :)

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He'll be six soon, please god!!!

when he was a pup up till he was about a year i started out feeding him 4 times as recommended by the breeder, then weened him down to three, then two! it's been like that for years now!!!



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look at it this way dogs are relatives of wolves, in the wild wolves eat once a day and some days not at all so i feed my dogs the same way, after there last walk i feed them then they settle down to a good nights sleep and i have 7 working dogs ( 4 s spans and 2 long dogs and a deranged staffy) all live outside and range from 4 to 10 years old and i have had to take only 2 of them to the vets since ive had them. Dogs are relitives of the WOLF they live outside and dont eat everyday i treat my dogs on the same basis and they work 5 days a week all year round

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