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Got my mad doctor head on again

Ozzy Fudd

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ive been toying lately with the idea of getting a night vision scope for the 10/22. i dont really need one, but its just one of those ideas that you gte into your head every so often. i like the current scope thats on it and dont want to be swapping scopes all the time, so i was swaying towards one of the add ons (like a yukon) that fits onto your own scope; apartfrom the fact it keeps saying theyre for air rifles i dont like how far back your head sits on the stock to use it. i then started thinking about something that bolts onto the front of the scope, but the money that was involved for something that would be used 2 or 3 times a year was unreal!


so a thought hit me, why not try to make my own? i looked up wikipedia for info on how night vision really works, and in simple terms its basically two parts - camera (for want of a better word) that picks up the ir light thats invisible to the human light, and a viewer, that turns the invisible light into an image that the human eye can see. at my old house id had a small wireless security camera that could run off a 9v battery, it had night vision capability, and transmitted to a receiver up to 150 feet away (furtherest id used it anyway), so that seemed like a good starting point for the camera part. i was a bit stumped by the display, i was thinking of a small tv screen, the more i thought about it the more the landwarrior system and FIST system kept creeping into my head (the military systems with eyepieces and camera's on guns, etc) so i went to work on fleabay and started looking at what id need - and yes, i know i sound bonkers at the moment!! :oops:


so far ive bought these, to try and get a prototype working (nicknamed SLAP, instead of FIST :yes: )


http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=290315616175 - camera

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=380121453528 - screen


i had been thinking of having a small eyepiece, instead of a screen, something like this - http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x875wd_tiny-clipon-tv_tech, but so far the chinese havnt made any cheap copies :no:, so its a bit too expensive for what i want ;)


the general idea is to remove/cut out/tape over the ir bulbs on the camera, fix it to the scope of the gun in the same position that my eye would be in, clamp a torch to the scope with an ir filter, then link the camera to the screen which will also be mounted on the scope/rifle; not ideal i know, but at least itll tell me if its a viable idea or not. if it works then ill get a wireless nv camera and try to get a smaller screen, which could be used as an eyepiece and i wont have to worry about wires linking the two together.


so far ive only spent about £40 on the main components, not bad considering the price of most nv dedicated scopes! but ill let everyone know how it pans out. if you can think of any problems ive missed let me know guys :blush:

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Babby, trying to mimic something that has taken the MOD years and a staggering sum of money to perfect, with bits you've bought off Ebay, is indeed bonkers. Heath Robinson would be proud of your ingenuity. I can't imagine your local rabbit population will be too troubled by your Generation 0.05 NV rig.


Do post some pics when you've got it completed.

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I toyed with the idea of adding nightvision to my car when I was setting up a car pc for mapping etc, I'd read guides, to removing the ir filter from old webcams so that their ccd's would pick up ir. Although i've no idea how well it'd work for distance when looking through a scope.


Best of British to you

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If it's night vision you're after i reckon you'd have been better off spending your £40 on carrots :D:lol::lol:



This thread is brill. :rolleyes::yes:

I converted a webcam to pick up ir only. Firstly scratch off the old ir filter from the lens of the camera and then use exposured camera film as a new filter to cut out the normal light. I hooked it up in my car and went for a drive and the image was good considering the camera was only a very cheap one.



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na mate, this is more like it!!




red dan what do you mean about exposured film? :yes:



sorry that was really bad english. you need a bit of camera film that has been developed and is black, this blocks out the white light. Anyway i am not doing a great job of explaining so here is the orginal website i used. Link


oh worth adding that the camera i did it on wasnt the one listed on that website it should work with any. Also it doesnt make you plan any less crazy :rolleyes:

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sorry that was really bad english. you need a bit of camera film that has been developed and is black, this blocks out the white light. Anyway i am not doing a great job of explaining so here is the orginal website i used. Link


oh worth adding that the camera i did it on wasnt the one listed on that website it should work with any. Also it doesnt make you plan any less crazy :lol:


:good: cheers, tho i never said the plan wasnt crazy, just possible... :good:


excelent keep us all posted :rolleyes::yes::D


will do :lol:

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:yes: cheers, tho i never said the plan wasnt crazy, just possible... :D




will do :rolleyes:



Sounds the sort of project I would try. I once made a laser sight for an air rifle, this was before you could just buy them. I reverse engineered (pulled apart) a laser pen, took just the laser and mounted it to a scope i had without crosshairs. Was quite good in the end. I am also currently making my own ROV for a laugh.


For your screen could you use a cheap pocket telly screen? I have done this for the ROV as the camera i have uses an s-video output and the telly board takes that input.




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Sounds the sort of project I would try. I once made a laser sight for an air rifle, this was before you could just buy them. I reverse engineered (pulled apart) a laser pen, took just the laser and mounted it to a scope i had without crosshairs. Was quite good in the end. I am also currently making my own ROV for a laugh.


For your screen could you use a cheap pocket telly screen? I have done this for the ROV as the camera i have uses an s-video output and the telly board takes that input.





if you look at the links in my first post mate it shows the screen ive bought, its only 2.5 inches!


the only problems ive thought of so far are how will the camera be affected by looking through the scope, and how well will the crosshairs show up on screen? the first problem i wont know til i get the camera through, so i wont worry about that yet. the second one im hoping wont be a major issue, if the black cross hairs dont show up then ill flick on the illuminated reticule, which hopefully (fingers crossed) wont be too bright and white out the screen; if that happens ill just put a laser on top of the scope, sorted :rolleyes:

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Babby, trying to mimic something that has taken the MOD years and a staggering sum of money to perfect, with bits you've bought off Ebay, is indeed bonkers. Heath Robinson would be proud of your ingenuity. I can't imagine your local rabbit population will be too troubled by your Generation 0.05 NV rig.


Do post some pics when you've got it completed.




Well you have to bear in mind he is Irish, and a fudgepacker and quite mad! I'm just surprised he isn't making NV out of tatties and old phone books

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