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some advice ?

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ive bought some Gamebore Buffalo 12g AAA 32gram cartradges and Gamebore Wild game 12g 32 gram 6's


got 50 of the buffalo's and 100 of the wild game


will try them out on a friends land soon as i know they have a fox problem...

any advice on the AAA's if they are the best for the job or if there is anything better suited


they were recomended to me by the store



(going with the shotguns as i want more experience before i apply for a variation on the FAC)

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its a semi... doesnt say the actual choke just names for them

it has a full, improved modified, modified, improved cylinder and skeet



so far ive only experimented with the improved cylinder and skeet choke for clays and birds

Edited by angelotambini
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The AAAs will be fine in a 12, the pattern will be OK through a tight choke up to a maximum of 40 yards, but as with large shot patterns can develop much more noticable 'holes' over shorter ranges that say #7 or #6.


Just don't take the p*** with the distances and make sure you have one left in the tube if you are going to take a shot as the chances of one running are fair if you are not right on the money.

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watch the AAA's if the land is wooded you will get ricochets. They will pattern badly but if you get a shot on target they will drop most things like a sack of spuds. Personally I prefer 1's or 3's because the pattern is so much better

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