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trouble setting up 222


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just been out to set up my cz 222 with 8x56 doctor optic and t4 mod. i have got the scope adjusted as far left as it will go but, i am still about 2 inches to the right of bull.

and what size groups should i get at 100 yards. out of a 5 shot group 3 will be about 1 inch the the other 2 are in about 2 1/2 to 3 to the outside of them.



thanks for any help

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You should be putting three shots into 1" or less at 100 yards.


Is the barrel fully floating, or it there some impediment to it vibrating freely? Is it giving the same results irrespective of the mod being fitted?


I'd start by dismantling, cleaning and reassembling the mounts. I'd remove the action from the stock and clean everything down, reassembling it carefully and torquing the action screws consistently. Shoot it without the mod.


CZ and Docter both make good, solid kit. I'd put money on the muzzle threading and/or mounts being the weak link.

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With that kit a 1" group is to be expected.


First, I'd try it without the mod - if it works fine then it be clipping on exit. If it doesn't, check the crown.


Next; If as you say, your scope is out of adjustment then I suspect that it is out of alignment with the bore, loose mounts would be my first suspect when it comes to the grouping.


You can set your scope to the middle of it's adjustment, bore sight at 25yds and then shim the scope until it lines up. Camera Film works well.

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just had a look at it took the stock of, it was touching at the very end of the fore end. and has been for some time you could see the wood was black,and the barrel was marked. i have sanded it all down and the nut on the back of the sling stud, and its free now.i have oiled the bare wood i will put it back together and if its not windy in the morning will give it a go.



thanks for all your help

Edited by darren_mc
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I wouldn't touch windage-adjustable bases with a bargepole. It's a weak and very crude method of attaching a scope, and there are much better solutions for similar money.

Ditto. Had a set of Millet mounts for about a day, pointless IMO.

If everything is true why would you need that much adjustment in the rings?

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