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couple of bunnys


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Guest Mr Pieman



that's a strange comment. What about people who don't like seeing bunnies - any size - being shown? Either show them all or block them all.



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hi mate,


nice bit of shooting, but.......


this is a public forum and there are a lot of people out there who disaprove of our sport/pest control methods, and by showing this type of picture i feel it is showing the negative side of things.


as you carry your camera with you try taking a pic of the damage they do, think we have all seen the semi circle of bare fileds by the hedge rows, the scratchings in the middle of the horses paddockand the trees stripped of their bark.


My personal choice would have been to take aim and take up the first stage and then relax as i would know in a few weeks he will be in the pot.


most airgunners are not "profesional" pest controllers and are doing as much to do the farmer a favor as it is for love of the sport, long as you can show the farmer a decent size bag he will be happy no matter what size they are.


yes you could use the argument "but that has stopped a few generations of rabbit, before it strated" which is true, but is it really sporting?


then again i may just be a little old fashioned in my shooting ways, i shoot with a tx200 because it gives the rabbit a fair chance and gives me a challenge every time i take to the fields.




PS my partner just saw the pics and she was not impressed at all, and this is from someone who knows what happens in the field she just never sees it, just eats it. I prepare evrything when shes out all she sees is what goes on the plate infront of her. Its one thing knowing what goes on but its another thing seeing what goes on. She also had a rather big go at me along the lines of you better not do that OR ELSE!!!!!!

Edited by roblade
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I have had this dilema. Last week I could have taken home 3 smallish ones and prepared them. The reason I did not was because of the reaction I would get from the wife. She accepts it but it opens up a whole new arguement to those who do not realise. The "oh but it's only a baby...." type of arguement.


I have said before that My own personal opinion is "If it's a "job" they all have to go, if it's "sport" leave the babies". I am not squeemish and let's face it if they were ferreted or gassed or the dog sent in then it's not selective then is it?, but there is a line that we all have to draw and only we can know where it is.


Yesterday I got a small one and it backflipped back down the hole. It took a bit of convincing myself and "AXE" convincing me that it was dead and not just winged and gone to ground. THAT is where I have my problems. No matter what the size I need to know that they are dead and did not suffer or were just winged and went to ground.

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be aware that if you take all the bunnies then there will be non left for the future. :lol:


Be selective or the farmer with the bunny problem wont have a problem any more, that means he may not need your services any more.


I guess your a young lad who struggles to many shots, like most of us at a young age, so I can understand that when you get a chance to take a live rabbit then you have shot it, but in time you will leave them for another day I'm sure.


It sounds like you enjoyed your stalk though, and thats what its all about.


The PM

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that's a strange comment.  What about people who don't like seeing bunnies - any size - being shown?  Either show them all or block them all.



If you don't like to see dead rabbits you shouldn't be on this forum at all.

Correct me if i'm wrong but there is a section for posting pictures which is only available to forum members.

If you wish to show others photo's of your days work then ok ,I for one like to see them.

We get enough hassle from antis for what we do without publishing the pickies for all to see.

I just think they should be on a more secure section.

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Please lets not personify the rabbit.


The photos are fine. It is perfectly 'legal' to shoot rabbits of any age, although most pot hunters dont agree with taking the young ones, (which respectfully is a very fair comment). Pest controlling is a different matter as we know.


To shadow photos under a veil of secrecey gives the impression that we have something to hide. I for one would not restrict the posting photos so that the antis can say " OOORR look at that poor baby bunnie".


Just my opinion.


Paul in North Lincs

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Good point, I suppose we should stand up for our right to do as we please (within the law of course).


I think I may be on my own with this one and I have probably gone off the topic a little, at the end of the day jordan bagged himself a couple of rabbits whatever the size.


well done Jordan.



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This really does **** me off what we do is not illegal so why should we hide it i show pictures because i like to look back on the succesful days. In my opinion all this bullsh*t about antis who cares if they want to ban shooting they will ban it a couple of pictures are not gonna make that much of a diference. I dont see people complaining when pictures of dead foxeare put up or the results of cubbing or when someone has shot a young pigeon so why rabbits? Thanks to those who understand but if its gonna cause this much trouble i wont bother posting pictures again and will keep them to myself or even better i will stop hunting all together as that is the way it will go if we give in and hide what we do.

Yours in legitimate pest control


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Too true jordan. if you dont shoot them you most probably lose the land you hunt to another shooter /pest controler.do some of these people know the gestation period of a rabbit.


mummy gives birth to 6 young after this she can reproduce straight away

6 young can reproduce in 10 weeks. after 6 weeks gestation. total 16 weeks=36young. remember these ******* are producing nearly all year round

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