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Fleas are always around more this time of year - they breed far more readily in the warmer weather.


I doubt any of us will see much myxi until late summer/autumn. It spreads wildly once the rabbits are spending more time underground - at the moment they stay above ground far longer and disease spreads much more slowly. It's always quite sad every year when I mark the start of autumn with spotting lots of myxi rabbits.


Haven't seen any myxi rabbits around my way since last autumn. More rabbits around this year than I can ever remember - we're having some great shooting. Great on the bbq too.



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As mentioned on some of the posts,when the fleas start lining up on the rabbits ears giving a black fringe its a sign that mixy isnt far away,we have it in Cornwall already this year and have had them wandering in the road for about a month now.

I have treated numerous houses for flea infestations in the last month as the weather has warmed,some house were absolutely heaving with them,mind you the common flea is the cat flea which will live on most things,dog fleas are not very common at all.

So perhaps to prevent the spread of fleas we should have a CAT cull!!!!!!!

Alright only joking,it shows I'm a dog lover doesnt it!

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You are correct that Mozi's spread the disease aswell but the main carier is the flea as mentioned in my post when you see them lining up in the tops of the ear its not far away.But it is not as effective at reducing the population of rabbits as it was,with rabbits surving out breaks quite readily now adays

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