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Cabinet Problem! *urgent*


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I posted a the same thing on here some time ago about this and the replys I got were as long as they fit thats ok. But before I got a new gun I contacted my firearms officer and he said I cant get another gun as it was a 5 gun cabinet and if i wanted another to get another gun to get another cabinet. If I had got another gun I would have been in big trouble he said. Maybe different areas are different. Get your cabinet re-classified or get another or ALWAYS check with your firearms officer rather than asking for information that may not apply to your circumstance.

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If I had got another gun I would have been in big trouble he said.



That's total **** - I hate the way FEOs talk such total and utter rubbish. There is no requirement to even store them in a cabinet let alone a "police approved" cabinet, it is just the easiest and most accepted way of meeting the law - which states they much be "stored securely" or words to that effect. There is nothing that states you can only have 5 guns in a 5 gun cabinet - this is another backdoor restriction FEOs are trying to bring in :good::good::hmm:

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its paper pushers getting silly, you can see their logic that a 5 gun cabinet in theory holds 5 guns so you wouldn't have room for a sixth but in reality we all know they fit so you're complying. Interesting though that they may have the information but nothing appears to flag up if you go over the number

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the guy on the phone took it to extremes i.e 15 guns with only a 5 gun cabinet so I wonder if they only look when someone has over 10 for example. Another question, I always assumed that once you have your licence if you change cabinets etc you didnt have to get them back out again, is that wrong? If I decided with my 5 gun cabinet that I wanted 10 guns and so went out and bought a second would I have to inform them?


Edit: Just thinking maybe I should go for a gun room, that would make it interesting giving a capacity figure.

Edited by reddan
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kite mark only !!!!! ********!!!!


mu old man made a gun cabinet from sctratch ( blacksmith by trade)


feo commented on it not being approved but after he saw that was made with thicker plate than the standard bought cabinets.

also had "jimmy proof" hinges and extra locking he backed down.


why if everyone of em across country is supposedly working to same guidelines are they all vastly different ?


who the hell is "policing" them to ensure uniformity?


i also hate it when some forces are saying you require minimum DSC1 before they will issue say .243 for deer but will aloow a .223 for foxes no probs......whats the difference?:good:?:lol:?:lol: safety still counts so does animal welfare !!!


they demand you have it then contact your shooting organisation that your affilated to and get em on it!!!


no bloody common sense!!!!!!!!!!!


hope you enjoy your left handed semi auto..

i bought my webley & scott 810C in left hand and its never let me down in three yrs!!!!!

wouldnt consider firing a right hander now with shells ejecting across your face.



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Balderdash! I once had a phonecall from my FEO saying that I had 'too many guns'.


I asked what he meant. He said that I had more than a five gun cabinet could hold. I asked him to call round and I would show him that I could get nine in it.


He said 'Oh, right'. and left it. Never mentioned it on his visit, nor after that.


That was five years ago.

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