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The McNab

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I have a friend who is working with a TV production company making a short documentary on the MacNab. They're following a few challengers trying to complete the challenge and are looking for some background information, facts and advice. I'm hoping someone on here might be able to help:


- Has anyone here ever completed the challenge?

- Who's done it fastest?

- Where's the best place to try and complete it


Any input would be appreciated!

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Yes, it's from the John Buchan book 'John McNab'. Three sportsmen bet each other they can't take a stag, a grouse and a salmon all in one day, the twist being that they have to poach them from neighbouring sporting estates, having warned the owners of their intention in advance.

There have been other variantions on the same theme, one being the anglers version of taking a game fish, coarse fish and sea fish in the same day.

I've achieved another variant of this - a squirrel, a crow and a dog fish in the same day. Not quite as tasty as the original version :lol:

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As has already been said, by common acceptance a Macnab involves catching a salmon, shooting a stag and a brace of grouse in no particular order but all in the same day. But in fact this is very different from John Buchan's excellent book, in which grouse do not feature at all but stags and salmon have to be poached and not all in the same day. Anyone who loves their highland stalking should read this book it is absolutely brilliant and fantastically un-PC.


I had the good fortune to get a Macnab in 2006, even though I did not set out to get one until the stag and salmon had been bagged by lunch and in that case I thought I had better try my luck with the grouse. Walking up grouse with one dog and a friend when you REALLY want a brace is quite tricky and not good for the nerves. I must have fired 20 shots to get my brace.


But the stag's head, grouse feet and fly look good on a shield in my hall as a hat stand. Hence my nom de plume.


Best time is probably September when you have the good chance of getting in contact with all three quarry species, and obviously you will need to be on a piece of ground that gives you access to all three quarry. Before anyone jumps to conclusions about the 'exclusivity' of getting a Macnab I did mine on an estate in Scotland where you can buy stalking, shooting and fishing by the day and is owned by the National Trust so covered in car parks, walkers and goretex. It's still pretty wild for all that.


Incidentally I have never seen anyone actually achieve a Macnab when they have set out specifically to get one so pity the guys trying to do so on film. Salmon must be the most fickle animals on the planet and the stag and grouse still take some getting, even if they are a bit more reliable.




PS you can make it a Royal Macnab by ******** the cook.

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