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Personal best on swathed rape


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I've been looking forward to today for ages. Been keeping my eye on the rape fields, waiting for them to be cut, and five days ago one was.


The weather today was nice and dry here near Peterborough, with strong winds all night and up to around midday.


Thought I might be in for a decent session after seeing plenty of pigeons coming in to the swathed rape for the past three evenings, so stocked up with 250 more No6s.


Got down to the field at 10, set up with the wind and sun coming from behind me, put 10 flocked decoys on top of the rape and a rotary about 25 yards to my left.


Within 5 minutes I had my first bird, and within half an hour I had 10.


Basically they just never stopped coming in until around 1 when it began to slow down.


Had some real screamers come in and downed them all. Really chuffed with the fast shots, but missed far too many slow birds. Had five left and rights (or overs and unders in my case).


Finished the day with 74 pigeons shot - my best ever session. Well pleased with how it went ???


Picked up 57, went home, emptied the car, had a quick bite to eat and went back to check the field again and found another 7.


Knackered, aching, bruised but what a great day! :)

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Great shooting mate.. how many cart was that for? just wondering as i start fair then hhalf way though the day mess things up and then get my **** togeather at the end, still average 2 carts a bird.





I feel for you and your split up, not nice are they. My misses ran off with my best mate.







I do half miss him though :good:





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Thanks for the replies lads.


To answer the question about cartridges used... I went through 106, and a couple of those was to shoot pricked birds again as they dropped.


richg.... I will be shooting at either Saltfleetby or the Marshchapel clay grounds this Sunday morning with my dad, John.



And I still ache after jumping over the rape, but the bruising's going down.


Looking forward to shooting the stubble later next week - will be a lot easier on the muscles!!! :good:

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