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Two Way Radio


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I was musing with my long time shooting pal Chris as to whether it would be worthwhile springing for a couple of Walkie Talkies instead of using the mobiles on the farm. At most we setup about a mile apart pretty well flat fields and a couple of coppices between plus hedges so jumping up and down and waving semaphore is out. There are a number of regular flight lines so it would be dead handy if one spots the line used for the other to upsticks and resite to another field nowithstanding the opportunities extract the weewee at a distance :yes: ( we have been doing that for about 40 odd years ).

There seem to be plenty about so somebody must be using them in a similar situation or even for keeping in touch at gamefairs so anbody got a preference? I fancy the idea of a Motorola as I've used them for work over the years but are the 2way cheapies really Moto or just rebadged Toys R Us :yes:

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I use Binatone Terrain 550's - they cost me about £50 and find them very useful -better than mobiles.


They have loads of channels and are pretty robust. Good range too, at least 2k's over even pretty rough terrain - but if you have a total loss of 'line of site' they will not work too well at all.



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I used to work for a company which supplied a few of us with Motorola walkie talkies for ease of communication because the site was so vast and often you wouldnt be near a phone.The range with them was fantastic to the point where i'd go into town a few miles away at lunch time and they still worked.Not sure of the type,but they were not cheap childrens ones.


Only downside to them was that they interfered with Clifford car alarms.

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I bough a pair of cobra radios, I belive they are made on the same production line as motorola but marked cobra and are cheaper than motorola`s and ive found them to be vey good with some good accessories. They get plenty of use and the battery life on them is great ! :yes:

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me and my mate bought a pair of motorola walkie talkies to use on the marsh when fowling, they had about 2.5-3km range, loads of channels, some days we even got to talk to a pizza delivery shop in gt yarmouth about 5 miles away and order our tea, great fun for taking the **** too



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I use the Motorola TLKR T7 radios and they work very well and are great fun for taking the ****, but don't believe all the hype about the range of the radio's.


*How far can I expect my radios to communicate? The communication range quoted is calculated based on an unobstructed line of sight test under optimum conditions. Actual range will vary depending on terrain and conditions, and is often less than the maximum possible. Your actual range will be limited by several factors including, but not limited to: terrain, weather conditions, electromagnetic interference, and obstructions.

The T7's are stated as up to 10km range but to be honest and in real world conditions, you can probably expect around 4km which is good enough for me and ideal for the size of my permission.

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Lots of info thanks I did a spot of bidding on Fleabay and I'm waiting for a pair of Binatone 150 s to arrive- dead cheap so worth a try and if nothing else handy in case herself gets a major shopping buzz at the Peover Game Fair :good: I'd really fancy Mikkys Moto's but are they not a licenceable frequency rather than a cheap and cheerful model if the 150's pan out OK then I reckon to spring for rechargable stes likely 550's and keep the cheapies for those odd occasions when we need a an extra handset.

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I have a pair of Motorola Talkabouts they have a good range, used them during car meeting where the guy at the front of the convoy and the one at the back could keep in touch so we didn't drop anyone. range diminishes in built up areas but in open country works well.



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  • 2 weeks later...

After a miss cue with a dodgy rechargeble battery we have had the Binatones out and they work reasonably well. Chris went in one direction me in the opposite and they were ok beyond 1/2 mile so for about £5 I'd call it a result with new and betterer batteries I reckon it should cover the farm nicely, gonna pack in the motor for the gamefair next week for forageing purposes.

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