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Foxing Last night and Decoyin` today


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Hi all

Went out last night for a couple of hours for a walk round my one of my permissions, with my .223 tikka,lamp, and night ranger for spotting. Saw a few foxes but were reluctant to come to the squeak.

Parked the truck up on the bank of a of a recently combined field of barley and decided to play the waiting game.After around 20 minutes of calling spotted a pair of red eyes 2 fields over, which were heading rapidly towards me, kept squeaking and flicked the lamp on to check progress as i forgot to charge the batteries in me night vision.Picked up the eyes at around 200 yds, lamped off and squeaked again, lamp on and eyes at 100 yds and stopped and sat looking at me was a large fox cub. The tikka was already set on the bipod on the bonnet of my truck,dropped the cross hair on its chest and took the shot, resulting in one very dead fox.

Had 2 hours or so decoyin this morning on barley stubble on the same ground and had a mixed bag. When i first arrived there were around 50 canada geese on the verges of an uncut barley field, managed to down one of them with the shotty through the truck window before they made haste and took to the skies. Got myself set up under a large tree on the edge of the stubble and had a steady couple of hours, managed to bag 9 crows, 5 pigeon a magpie and 1 canada goose in 2 hours before the rumble of me breadbasket told me it was breakfast time, happy huntin` guys. :rolleyes::yes::good:



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