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.22LR Semi Auto V Bolt Action?


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This might sound like a very basic question but I would realy like to know so please don't shoot me down for asking. Is there any significant power difference between a Semi Automatic and a Bolt Action .22LR? Also, I have heard and read that in general a Bolt Action Rifle is considdered more accurate than a Semi Auto, is this correct and if so why?

If anyone can answer this for me in simple laymans language I would be grateful.



Edit- I should have added - "using the same subsonic ammunition and the same moderator!"

Edited by Frenchieboy
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There's no power difference between the two mechanisms.


A bolt action is inherently more accurate than a semi-auto. In layman's terms, the simple reason is that a semi-auto is a interia-operated action - the recoil generated by the detonation causes the bolt to cycle, thereby creating movement whilst the bullet is travelling along the bore. That movement is not present with a bolt-action, and it causes a reduction in accuracy.


Another advantage of a bolt-action is noise, or lack of. No matter how good your moderator is, you can't aeradicate the sound of a semi-auto cycling the next round.


Are you thinking of chucking your Winchester 290? If so, buy an Anschutz bolt-action preferably, but a CZ or Sako Quad will do you proud indeed. You can then laugh in the face of semi-auto users, who all complain about feed issues, stoppages and cleaning regimes.

Edited by Baldrick
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Hi There,

I personally prefere the semi auto and have the same Winchester as yourself. The reason being that you can quickly dispatch any ' Run Offs', after you know they have been hit.

Had a Fox and a couple of rabbits do this recently and even though the ammo and range was correct, if I was using the bolt action feel that the time taken to reload and loss of aiming point, would have let the poor animal escape wounded!

Sometimes I feel its handy having additional shots available 'instantly', but not an excuse to blaze away. :good:

Good Hunting


Pippin Pup

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Thanks for all of the feedback guys. As I use a Winchester 290 (the same as Pippin Pup does) and I quite like the gun I wonder if anyone out there has an Owners Manual for one as I have tried contacting Winchesters through their web site to see if they can supply one but can't get any joy. Please PM me if you can help out with one or details of stripping and cleaning a Winchester 290! :good:

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Frenchieboy, the following forum is bound to have someone State-side who can help you out in the quest for the manual: http://www.rimfirecentral.com/forums/index.php


Thanks very much for that bit of info Baldrick. I have just registered with them and put a post up for help with a manual!

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That website offers some very strong gun pornography. I occasionally look at the pictures section on the 'Cooper' sub-forum, furtively and shamefully, and then deleting the browning history on my computer before Mrs Baldrick notices my filthy habit. One day (and it will probably involve me selling a kidney and a lung to an Albanian organ trafficker) I will have a collection of Coopers.....

Edited by Baldrick
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