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arv's and your problems


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i cant get my head around all the posts involving arv's ect . living in a city like norwich and shooting 6 miles out of the city , ive never had any contact with a police man whilst out shooting . we often have the local bobby parked up near the barn having a pee and fag but never ever have i seen a blue light in vengance .

i admit to obtaining a cad number from police hq before lamping at night , but never bother if im taking my boy practicing over beat or target air rifling or even if i get up early and go for a rabbit wander .

i hope to never see the arv and i do feel for you guys who sport is brought to a stop on maNY occasions.

i guess people around my neck of the woods are used to seeing guns in fields and use there country knowledge be fore sending in the calvery.


hope you all have safe shooting and your neibours all get brains





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Hi Adi


Never had any issues with the boys in blue either, shooting regularly in Norfolk or Suffolk over the last 40 years. They followed us once in an SJ with four masked, camouflaged idiots armed to the teeth in the back for about 50 yards (we were only crossing a minor road from one side of the farm to the other and it was winter, before you tell me how irresposible we all were) when we turned off they carried on and gave us a wave as they went past.


Generally round here it seems as though the coppers treat people out shooting as probably having a bit more nous than your average MOP, maybe its just that they see more of us in this neck of the woods and the coppers are more likely to have a fieldsports aware upbringing, maybe they just generally have a bit more sense............................................................... ;o)


I've got a mate whose a pest controller and shoots every day, he's always changing his trucks so the local plod aren't likely to recognise him that way and i don't think he's ever been spoken to by a copper in 15 years.


Hope you're soon back up and running mate.



Edited by JR1960
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The only time that I was stopped by the cops was when I went stalking on one of my farms at first light . I parked in the drive way to the farm whwich is about a mile long and my intention was to stalk up to the farmhouse through the woodland to nab some of the deer that were eating the roses in the farm house gardens . AS I got out of the car two police men came out of the woods and asked me who I was and where was I going to . They saw that I had a rifle with me and asked me to hand It over to them ,which I did . I told them who I was and what I was about to do . They then told me that the farm house had just been burgled and that the owners were very upset and they were looking for the burglers . As these people were friends of mine I drove up to the house with the cops following me and we all went in and had a chat with my friends and a cup of tea . All very amiable and friendly . As an answer to your question no I have never had a problem with being stopped by the police or having the heavy mob come after me . AS cranfield says it varys from county to county .

Harnser .

Edited by Harnser
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The police up our way are quite good about shooters but they do prefere you to log in with them and let them know where you are going to be shooting prior to starting your shooting, which is fair enough.

I have only had one "problem" with the ploice while out shooting when I was reported for shooting my shotgun on a public road. The issue was cleared up quite quickly when I showed that not only had my gun not even been fired by the time that they turned up I also had not had time to get anywhere near the road I was reported for shooting from (This road in question is dissused and splits one of my permissions in two).

One the whole though the police up our way are quite good and understanding about shooters, I've no complaints about them!

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