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below par at skeet with skeet gun


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I normally shoot my 682 gold e 32" barrels for the skeet, DTL,sporting or for whatever takes my fancy. At the skeet I would score in around the 23/24 mark with the odd 25 thrown in. Two months ago I got myself a nice we Miroku Mk 3800 skeet gun with 26" barrels, lovely order, still a tight gun obviously not seen much action over the years. But my average has fallen to around 20/21 maybe 22. The Miroku handles a lot faster than the gold e, as I shoot maintained lead I don't think this should really make any difference. Any suggestions? :good:

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I'm assuming that it fits properly and that you are happy with it...


Maybe it's just getting used to it. If you used the Gold E for _everything_, then it's possible that you just may not get on with it yet. I know people that have spent years shooting with one gun, then sold it on and bought that year's model only to have their scores go to **** for weeks.


I would say that Browning/Miroku and Beretta have two different feels/fits. Maybe that's the reason.

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They're bound to handle differently, what with a 6" (more with the 682's extended chokes) change in barrel lenght. Personally I'd have stuck with the 682, lots shoot 32" guns and win Skeet comps, so I'd stick with what you know.


It's going to take many rounds to get used to that whippy little 26".

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Thanks guys for your thoughts, you both could well be right, maybe it's just going to take a while longer to get used to it, or it could be I'm just a Beretta man at heart. The reason I got the skeet gun is that I have tried the Olympic skeet a few times and enjoy it, the 32" barrels are just too long for this discipline especially when on stand 8. I would say the spread of the shot from the 32" on stand 8 to where the shot is taken would be no more than about the size of your fist. Hence the short gun. So I'll give another couple of months, thanks again.

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whatever you see your lead to be with the 32" gun, put more lead on with the 26" gun.

if you are using the same sight picture for both guns you will miss behind with the smaller length barrels, increase your lead.



I'm gonna have to disagree that one,I shoot a 32" and use maintained lead.When using the club gun (26" miroku")they move that quick and with no choke,I almost have to shoot at the clays.

I've had 3 rounds with it 25,24,25......., the club owner won't sell it to me.......****** ;)

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very interesting discusion about giving more lead with shorter barrels.


I have come down to 28" from 32" and find I am over-leading everything, perhaps it is more to do with the extra "whip" with shorter barrels (I have the added excuse of losing nearly 2 lbs of weight from the gun, 12 ultra xs to 20 bore 686). I tend to shoot mostly pull away and I think my timing is still a bit off.


Maybe just a case of slowing down a bit, getting some shells through it and finding the natural rhythm for the gun?



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Indeed, even trickier on the L4 double :good: I only ask the question because you hear all the time of Skeet shooters who use "maintained lead on everything" and that's just not possible which inevitably means mixing 2 techniques as you move around the field.

If you take the high house before centre peg you'll find your muzzles waiting for the low house, so yes maintained lead.

If you take it past the centre peg you'll be playing catch up.... :good:

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Well guys, another bad day at the skeet. Tried your suggestion Beretta and gave it a bit more lead with the Miroku, just didn't seem to work for me. Then it all went to pot and totally lost the plot. I had 3 rounds at the skeet with the short Miroku and things just went from bad to worse, got out the gold e, shot 2 rounds with it and guess what. I was just as bad with the Beretta as with the Miroku. For the first time ever I was totally disgusted with myself. I knew I was getting uptight with the way I was shooting and actually left the range in bad twist. So there you have it 5 rounds of skeet poor scores. For the first time ever I ended my days shooting not enjoying myself and in bad twist. I think the Miroku will be going back to the shop, it's a lovely little gun and in great order but alas, it's just not for me. Or on the other hand, maybe I'll give it another go. (You know I used to be an uncertain type of guy, but now I'm not so sure). :good:

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bloody hard to shoot maintained lead on low house 7 :good::oops:<_<:good:






I would always hold the gun pointing roughly where the hoop would be, so therefore I am starting in front of the clay and staying in front of it. Although it appears to be shot clean up the jacksie, that is because your eyes take over and establish the lead or sight picture through eye - hand coordination.

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How can you start in front and stay in front of a going away target, You cant see it because your barrels are in the way. its like trying to shoot trap with maintained lead. I would say what you describe would be called ambushing it rather than true maintained lead.



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Well guys, another bad day at the skeet. Tried your suggestion Beretta and gave it a bit more lead with the Miroku, just didn't seem to work for me. Then it all went to pot and totally lost the plot. I had 3 rounds at the skeet with the short Miroku and things just went from bad to worse, got out the gold e, shot 2 rounds with it and guess what. I was just as bad with the Beretta as with the Miroku. For the first time ever I was totally disgusted with myself. I knew I was getting uptight with the way I was shooting and actually left the range in bad twist. So there you have it 5 rounds of skeet poor scores. For the first time ever I ended my days shooting not enjoying myself and in bad twist. I think the Miroku will be going back to the shop, it's a lovely little gun and in great order but alas, it's just not for me. Or on the other hand, maybe I'll give it another go. (You know I used to be an uncertain type of guy, but now I'm not so sure). :hmm:

Dude, Don't let it get you down,if you're banging in 21,22,23 etc you know how to shoot and it aint the the gun that's missing the 1,2,or 3 clays it's the nut behind the butt.

Shoot the gun you enjoy and have fun.

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How can you start in front and stay in front of a going away target, You cant see it because your barrels are in the way. its like trying to shoot trap with maintained lead. I would say what you describe would be called ambushing it rather than true maintained lead.





Sorry I forgot you are county champion at some discipline or other,


Low 7 is the same as high 1, while it looks like a going away BIRD it is not. It is coming from your right hand side and it is not going directly away, it is quartering. However slight but it is still quartering.


How would you as champion shoot low 7? would you start with your muzzles at the trap house and then swing like hell? No of course you wouldn't you would aassume a hold position similar to what I described and then let your eye to hand coordination deal with the sight picture. Which is how maintained lead works.


You cannot shoot trap (although you do not say which discipline) with maintained lead and in my limited experience with shooting DTL it is very hard to shoot it with any method other than to react and shoot.

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