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a damdable nights lamping

guerrilla podge

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hi guys im putting up this about a damdable nights shooting foxes with a mate of mine (shane). we shot 14 for the night.


we headed out at about 11 oclock on monday night to have a shine around for an hour or so, but turned out to be a bit longer. :lol:


any way we drove into the first tillage field and turned on the caller but nothing came in. the battery in the caller started to die on us to. but how and ever we decided to plough on and try our look in another field down the road. shane was shining the lamp around as i drove into the next field as i turned the corner i spotted a pair of eyes under the lamp shane hadnt copped the so i stopped the jeep told him where they wer and took the lamp off him while he hopped out of the jeep to get the rifle. i hop out the drivers window and shine the lamp for him as he rests the rifle on the roof and starts to hand squeal it took a while for anyting to happen the fox wouldnt move and was sitting on top of a bank. shane kept calling and eventually the fox started to come for us. then all of a sudden a fox appeard in front of us out of a bit of scrub land and came to bout 70 yards stopped standing straight at us shane steadies up on him an drops him. :good:


we keep squealing tryin gto see if the other fox will come in sur enf a few min later eveantually another different fox comes in to us the original fox we seen is still outa harms way so shane eyes the other fox up in the scope and hits it but rolls into some under growth.


we keep hand squealing and eventually the the first fox that we seen come int to us trough the stading barley that had to0 be finished. he stands side on looking at us and shane settles on it and drops it with out a twitch.


we drive on a small bit in the same field and try the electronic caller another fox comes in but shane missed it jus couldnt get steady enough and the fox didnt want to stop for to long either :(


we cut our losses and decide to try anonther tillage field a bit further down the road that has just been cut and we have seen foxes walk into it from the road before it was cut.


this is the first three



driving into the other field turned around a corner i seen two pairs of eyes looking at us with the head lights of the jeep it turned out to be two cats. shane got back in and i started to drive off again and this time a fox jus hopped out of the ditch in front of the jeep and walked behind a hill i stopped let shane out to get set up on the roof then i drove to the top of the hill to look for the fox couldnt see him for a few mins but he was hiding behind a esb pole only 40 yards away from us shane dropped him. i just shone the light around the field and two more foxes had jus walked into the field . i drove towards them slowly stoped at about 110yards away from them shane settled down out the first ond bang dropped it i switched straight onto the second of of them it ran for a couple of seconds then stopped and started making it way back towards its mate (how touching :lol: ) shane settled on it when it stopped about 30yards from its mate and dropped it stone dead to. we couldnt belive it we shot six in two fields in less than an hour. we went out to pick up the pair we had just shot and i spotted another that had jus come into the field not that faraway from us we slowly made our way back to the jeep to get a sfae shot and get the rifle we had to hand squeal for a couple of seconds to get it off the top of the ridge in the field and away from the road. she came about twenty yards den it was gud night fox :good: four foxs in one field nearly one after the other ;)


here is four five six and seven



shane had only brought 8 bullets with him as we were only ment to be going for a quick look.

we had to go back to pick up more bullets from his house then we headed off again


we drove into the next field we seen one but he quickly scarpered into the wood and sat inside looking out at us :sly::mad:


we headed to the next spot drove in the gate of the next field had a quick shine around i spotted a fox down the far end i drove down a bit to get a safer shot but the fox had gone :lol: we decided to give a quick squeal and sur enough the fox re appeared :good:. it came thundering in and stopped at 80 yards and shane seatied on it and placed one bullet straight trough the shoulder.


here is eight



we drove a few miles further down the road and drove into another field that had been harvested drove to the higest point in the field and seen a fox but it ran when it heard the jeep i turned off the jeep and shane started to hand squeal and the fox which had disapeared came straight back into us she stopped side on and shane happily dropped it. we kept calling for a while and two more foxes came into the field but shane missed them. one of them was a very akward shot. both me and shane dont kno how he missed the other fox B) .


here is nine



we drove to the next tillage field drove to the best vantage point in the field and started calling two foxes came into us one fox wouldnt stop and shane made sure he didnt miss this one :lol: the other fox didnt seem phased to much by the sound of the shot he was slowly starting to walk away so i started to use my mouth caller and it brought him to 160 yards and shane knocked his lights out :yes:


here is ten and eleven



we decided to try a couple more fields that had been cut we drove in and called for a few mins and a fox came to the edge of an old barn and sat on top of a stub wall withh a bank directly behind it shane put the cross hairs on it and dropped it strangley the fox looked as if it had been shot before by something. any way walking back after pickink that fox up a second fox appeared shane said that it looked small in the scope so he squealed and brought it in a bit closer to us and gently pulled the trigger and hit the fox but it did run bout 60 yards before dropping dead.


here is twelve and thirteen



the very last field we drove into i copped a fox with the headlights of the jeep shane got out ant dropped it at 70 yards we hadnt to do any calling or squealing.


a total of 14 foxes for the night. a brilliant nights lamping :P:lol: i cant fit all the pics up so il put it up seperatley

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Awesome night out boys, the only problem is that nights like these are few and far between,I have had 2 memorable nights,the first being where a vixen came out of a patch of stinging nettles behind us and ran down over the brow of a field towards the woods giving the distress call.

the problem was that as we broke the brow and had full view of the woods she had just called all five of her cubs out to us!!!!!!As they were so close to one another the beam of the light illuminated them all and my mate an I managed to drop the lot and the vixen,each shot dropping its mark and I would say that we dealt with all six in around 10 seconds of hectic activity before any could make it back to the woods,we were just running on adrenaline for the rest of the night ,what a rush.


The second night to remember came after a call from the farmer who's land is home to a large pheasant shoot that my friend is a member of,saying that there appeared to be foxes everywhere even in the day time.

Sounds good to me so off we set just as the light is giving me with the .223 Remy and my mate with his .243 Sako,the farm is spread out round 2 large wooded areas with loads of surrounding farm land so a haven for foxes.First to be dealt with was a group of cubs out playing in the middle of a 20 acre field ,now my rifle is silence but my mates isnt,they didnt seem to know what happened until al 4 were dead the firthest one got being 50 yards from their play area.

On we go now not expecting too much due to the noise when the next field shows us 2 adults working a small area of reeds,2 more for the bag in quick succsession.

On through the woods and down a gravel track which is not the quietest to negotiate,as we clear the woods ther sat in the middle of the next field are 2 more adults,quickly dealt with but on collecting these we notice stitches and ultra violet spray,strange!!!!

We are now heading back towards the yard still on the gravel track ,not the best of routes but the fields where drowned in slurry,next field only saw ud add one more to the tally,next field again 2 roe deer standing with their backs to us intently staring at something between them and the woods,then 2 more foxes start fitting and run up into the field to a stand of ,we settled the fight,2 more,again with stitches and one castrated.

Through the farm yard now and my mate decides that he will only do covering shots as his rifle is not silenced he doesnt want to upset the farmer who is out at 4 to milk.

Out through the first field we go along the cattle track which had wood pulp on it so a lot quieter the out of nowhere appeared a big dog fox,quickly he was downed only for another to appear behind him out of the brambles he too was downed,these though showing no signs of tampering!

Out towards the sewage works now which is always a good area,no sooner had I started to call when 3 foxes ran in to about 120 yards and seemed quiet happy to accept one another,more interested in their friends now than my call and no matter what I could get them no closer,oh well I said to my mate we were quite away from the farm he should be alright as we were facing away aswell,we only managed 2 of these but the other didnt seem to know where to run and managed to make the next hedge row.Now the track at the side of the field is raised and allowed us to look clearly over the hedge and there at about 80 yards was the fox,he should of taken the hint,he again had been castrated.

Out across the road to the other side of the small wood and a very jumpy fox was seen,he didnt make the woods as he stopped for a split second when i did a squirrel call,that was it for the night as it was now approaching 1.30 am and we were getting closer to civilisation so thought it best to stop.

We have been back several times since and never been anymore successful than 8 but they were all untouched,we believe that a load of town foxes had been dumped there about a week before we had our session as the farmer had shot 9 earlier that week.

So thanks to the silly tree huggers a night to remember.

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