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  1. Still have this need cabinet space, £1000 or make an offer
  2. It seems most are over your way, I had a gamekeeper friend over there, who also had spaniels. Unfortunately he passed away last year otherwise I would have been straight onto him. I'm not in a mad rush as I want to find the tight kind of dog. Yours do sound like the type I'm looking for 👍 The majority of my shooting is rough and fowling, probably 60/40 split. I've been keeping an eye out for the Irish spaniels
  3. What it is is i would prefer a bigger leggy spaniel, the vast majority of what i have seen are no bigger than cockers. I'm sure they are more than up to the job they do but i would like one bigger to cover the jobs i would need it for. i don't want something that would struggle to bring back geese. i have a chessie, she's great at the majority of what i use her for but doesn't cover the ground or bash the rough that a spaniel would when rough shooting if you know what i mean. Cheers dave hope your well mate.
  4. Hi Im looking into getting another dog, a springer...but I'm not liking the look and size of the springers I'm seeing. I'm looking for a nice big old style springer, something i can use for rough shooting, pigeons and also fowling. does anybody know of any around? they seem to be as rare as rocking horse sh!$! cheers!
  5. A 12g, francisco sarriugarte excelsior fixed choke over under, non-ejecor, single trigger with 1/4 and 3/4 chokes. 2 3/4 chamber 28 inch barrels. From what I can gather it's an early version of the gun. In lovely condition with one or two cabinet marks. Works a treat, good strong gun with beautiful engraving and woodwork. £1500 ono
  6. I have a kicks high flyer full choke for sale used condition £40 posted also a rhino modified choke ported extended £30 posted will add some pics when home
  7. This is my gun I'll get some more pics on tomorrow, and measure the barrels. 32 1/4 inch barrels
  8. Hi i recently purchased an AYA yeoman special edition over under, its a multichoke and i was wondering if anybody knew the choke thread they use as i cant find any on the net! some places say briley choked them some say teague! the chokes have no name on them at all any help would be appreciated. jordan
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