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2 ex army camo suits


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Upgraded my cammo and I have two camo suits pretty waterproof as they are lined with some kind of waxed stuff and fit me at 44" chest and 36" waist.

One set of gear is new unused (trousers still vac wrapped) the other has had light use, i did slit the pockets on the trousers to get into my trouser pockets


Anyway good basic stuff at budget price

Ok boys and girls I'll drop it to £10 posted. Nobody wants them at that I'm taking them down the charity shop! Straight shooting!



Edited by utectok
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Sorry to cause such excitment over this I'm not trying to rip anyone off If nobody wants them no worries I can't be bothered to mail them out for less than a tenner I mean £5 postage £3.50 fuel to the post office etc etc

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I wear the same camo, got them off ebay a while back and have to say ive been very impressed with them. Mine were great value for money and tough as leather. Like someone else said, they are also very warm. Ive been out rabbiting in freezing weather in these things, wearing just a tracksuit bottoms & t-shirt / fleece under them and ive been roasting.


Only thing i dont like is that the velcro makes a bit of noise sometimes when your moving and the hood doesnt fit too good.

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When I was a CQMS the other year, I binned over 200 complete sets of these because they were cluttering my store up! I could have made a fortune on ebay. The 'wax' stuff inside is actually a charcoal layer (used for soaking up all those lovely nerve and mustard agents) and will after prolongued wear, turn your entire body a beautiful shade of grey.

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The 'wax' stuff inside is actually a charcoal layer (used for soaking up all those lovely nerve and mustard agents) and will after prolongued wear, turn your entire body a beautiful shade of grey.


I remember years ago when some chappie turned up in my local wearing an NBC suit smock, thinking he looked very dapper.


That is until I suggested he take it off and see what the charcoal layer had done to his white designer shirt....



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