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here iam

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Everything posted by here iam

  1. No its flipping bargain and gets cheaper the longer your in it Look at the website
  2. I am using the stealth netting do not if its two ply though its camo with a net mesh backing seems ok to me two crows flew over my head last week never battered a eyelid till i opened up on them plenty on ebay
  3. I shoot because i like hunting the quarry mans instinct hunter gather is what drives me on ,the question is it sport ?well fishing is classed as a sport coarse fishing you put them back so is that the sport? shooting you take your shot if it hits is that the sport? or if you kill something is that sport ? interesting. some just shoot clays and do not want to kill anything i want to shoot and kill things to eat or give them away to some one else to eat.suppose thats blood sport any way good look with the geese if the farmer wants them sorting in my experiance you best sort them
  4. Neoprene wellies only £15 AT yorkshire Trading company formley woolies in Brighouse up here in North lol
  5. Hello chaps just wondering if their any local nppc members on holiday this week who want to meet up for a shoot on the pigeons. I was thinking towards end of the week thursday friday ? if not on holiday would still be nice to know if their are any members in my area? Cheers pmail me if you rather thanks Elland west yorkshire.
  6. i use spring clips bought from pound shop to clamp net to poles
  7. Hi chaps are their any nppc members in the yorkshire area on holiday this week who want to team up for a days shooting some where just pm me and i get back to you was thinking thursday or friday weather forecast looks ok then cheers :look:
  8. a better day than i had on the pigeons Tom
  9. Nice one and even better your a Leeds Fan and were proud of it.
  10. Sounds ace this i am going to try it tomorrow i do not have a magnet though will this make much differance if i use a couple of bouncers in stead to look like landing birds also i will be over rape does it matter? Great advice thanks roll on tomorrow
  11. Marching on together we will see you win Leeds , Leeds,
  12. Ask him if he wants somebody regular if so tell him you can be their regular to keep shooting them , if not £25 not bad nowadays compared to what some charge may be he as plenty of people asking him so thats why he is cashing in.
  13. High lewiss i have two telescopic bouncer poles they fold down like hide poles bought of somebody on here
  14. Nice picture mate nice looking deer or was,i would love to have a go at stalking deer one day maybe when my mortgage is paid
  15. you had a better day than us never fired a shot the pigeons were sat in a wood not on our permission they kept to the wood edge all day anyway enjoyed the fresh air and countryside you been busy with your camera some interesting pictures their of you lofting decoys
  16. If you ask for a opinion expect answers wether you like them or not thats all Harnser is implying and from what i can see you got what you have asked for
  17. Well smart nice one i am of out tomorrow shooting over rape
  18. Cheers for that Hawkeye mines a pint too
  19. sounds awsome shooting well done hopefully one day i will get a crack at a goose just learning pigeon decoying at the moment Lousy weather and work have been holding me up lately hoping to get out shortley well done any way i bet theirs a big thud when you hit one of them things
  20. Well smart nice one looks like you have had a ball like the orange jacket
  21. Hello i think he on about pestrid pigeon shooting club which covers east coast similar set up to nppc if you do a google mate you will find their website tells you all about it its £125 for membership
  22. here iam


    I have a half allotment in Halifax at any one time there is about 30 plus people on waiting list we cannot keep live stock but its still rewarding you cannot beat fresh veggies , also with this recession scumbags have been helping their selfs as well
  23. Marching on together we will see you win Leeds ,Leeds,now making a profit not millions in debt like some lol, lol,Not bad for a 3rd division side what was the score at the theatre of nightmares never seen a ground empty so Fast lol,
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