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here iam

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Everything posted by here iam

  1. staffordshire , northamptonshire, Have a look at website top of page or ring him up
  2. I am with spaniel mate farmers want to see who is coming on their land :blink: Door Knock not in camo be polite they will only say no or yes if you no some where theirs rabbits and pigeons hammering the fields ask if he wants help to get rid also tell them your insured
  3. :blink: No their not out yet he waiting to complete rape list i have just joined last week and he will forward list soon as its ready
  4. North south divide do i detect their where still wearing glogs and flap caps you knows watford wheres that
  5. :blink: Nowt wrong with video lads enjoyed that got to have one of those teknys awsome
  6. :blink: A303 mate in fact theirs a guy in gun sales flogging one which looks good he wants £375 you probably get it for less because nobody had shown any interest it was on last week you have to scroll down a few pages till you find it i got one for £270 12 months ago of some one on here he wanted £350 at first so over to you
  7. Good on him hope i am alive at 90 smoking as well who says it kills lol,shame theirs always these animal rights folk looking in on utube makes me wonder why they watch
  8. I miss mine so much he was my best friend i had a golden one slightly bigger
  9. Door Knock fellas they only say **** off or no or even yes do a yellow page s .com search for farmers in your area and off you go
  10. sounds like you answered it pal if it feels comfortable go for it i am not bothered about trends its what suits you mate
  11. i no its obvious get a new bleedying phone
  12. It says your 28 years old in your profile
  13. nice write up mate i am just waiting for my nppc ticket then i can get cracking notice you have got your hide in the middle and not up against a hedge,also have you got a roof on it
  14. De wee them straight away and paunch them rabbit blood normally dries up very quick when dead so i do not understand your problem
  15. Good advice their mate keep down wind Also make sure your good at shooting ranges from 12 yards to 40 yards into a 50 pence piece before trying to shoot bunnie other wise you will miss and injure them
  16. Nice picture well done Jordon
  17. All the best fellow hard part is now keeping it remember you have to be responsiable
  18. Forgive me if i am wrong i think you need some body over 21 with you before you fire a shot
  19. You will not go wrong with browning or beretta mate yes try get one that fits you join a clay club and get the feel of differant types over under semi autos , side by sides , for £600 you will get a very good second beretta
  20. Welcome Mate join your local clay club or ask in your local gun shop
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