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Old Boggy

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About Old Boggy

  • Birthday 24/07/1948

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  • From
    Kent (Man of Kent i.e. South of the Medway) Now only using blue & yellow cartridges

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  1. This ruling obviously no longer exists but is still printed. I thought the idea was to stop the forum being used as a ‘free version of e-bay to all comers’. Clearly I am wrong. OB
  2. Fortunately the OP (JKD) drives a grey van
  3. I know people often criticise Halfords but I had them do a chip and they made a good job of it. Initially rang Autoglass who promised to ring back and didn’t. Then went to their nearest depot and was told that I had to ring their main number. Same thing, said that they would ring back within 2 hours and no phone call. That’s when I tried Halfords nearest shop who did it within the hour. The young lad said that they use the same equipment as Autoglass but charge much less. I think Autoglass hike the price up as they know most are insurance jobs. OB
  4. I really admire you for your ability to make those jigs enabling simpler construction of many of the things that you make. Still in constant use are the two jigs that you very kindly made for me to cut and drill the pen sections prior to turning on the lathe. Thanks to your encouragement, I`m gradually making a few reasonably presentable pens but still not up to your standard. Many thanks for your help. OB
  5. Old Boggy


    We are talking 60 years ago. I expect your Grandad can remember such things happening
  6. Old Boggy


    Just had a look through one of my late brother`s diaries to find the ingredients for gunpowder he used when Dad`s cartridges were unavailable (or hidden) as follows -: Homemade charcoal Saltpetre from Dimond`s the village butchers. Presumably they used it to cure meat. Sulphur from the chemist. It doesn`t say in what quantities but I remember it being quite lethal when used in a home made cannon, this time open ended firing musket balls found on our local beach. Happy days. OB
  7. Lovely workmanship as usual Kevin. Thanks for posting. OB
  8. Old Boggy


    Never had that response from Kent police when my brother made a bomb from a piece of drilled and plugged brass rod filled with powder from Dad’s cartridges and set off with jetex fuse in our garden. Quite a loud explosion and blew some windows out of Dad’s greenhouse. He was not amused, but quietly admired my brother’s initiative. That was 60 years ago, so I guess times have changed somewhat. OB
  9. Could I please buy the middle bottom antler fork if still for sale. PM sent. Thanks OB
  10. I think that my Cooey .410 had a spring clip to hold the fore-end on and after a while became a bit loose. OB
  11. On a similar tack, we were on a camp site in the south of France many years ago when travellers cheques were the way to go regards money abroad. I went to the on-site office to change up a £50 travellers cheque and was given the equivalent of £500 pounds in Francs. I thought at the time that if they cannot get their own currency right, who am I to argue. However, my wife who was a born worrier decided that I should be honest and go back to the office which I agreed to do the next day. However, it didn`t take them too long to realise their mistake and they were knocking on our caravan door within the hour. Ah well, could have been a nice little earner. Sorry to marsh man to derail his thread somewhat. OB
  12. I`ve had a 16 bore AYA cosmos. Gave it to a lad just starting out in shooting. I think that he`s still got it but went onto buy something better once he was convinced that shooting was for him. I also had a 16 bore Coral de-luxe (photo attached) but at around 7 lbs, found it a tad too heavy for me. Based on a Merkel I think, but very nice gun nevertheless. Had and sold to a PW member a 16 bore AYA model 400 (photo attached). These I understand were made for the home market as a pre-cursor to the models 3 & 4. They were only different from the 3 & 4 with shoulders to the action as can be seen. The 400 was a non-ejector, similar to the model 3 whilst the 400E was an ejector as the model 4. My 400 had disc set strikers. Not sure whether the No.3 has these. Perhaps someone could enlighten me. Often you a see 400/400E advertised on Guntrader as a model 4, but me being a complete pedant like to correct the seller as I think that the 400 range are slightly better/different and should sell more easily. They have on occasion corrected their adverts but whether it made any difference to the sale, I`m not sure. They must have been a bit more expensive to make I would have thought. OB
  13. I bet that brought back some memories. I assume that you`ve got a copy of the book. OB
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