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Everything posted by radio1ham

  1. well i thought you werent going to bother with this topic anymore yes you maywell say you can get your shots in a 11 inch circule at a thousand yards so what ,could you get your grouping standing and not using a rest , well i guess your grouping not much better then, we only got your word for that so il yawn aswell, so what target shooting is a totaly different disaplin to hunting and yes your gun will be a target gun my gun is for hunting and as for calling all of us a bunch of anal ******* i guess you mean everyone on pw well it takes one to know one anyway have a nice day
  2. well i used to have ferrets years ago i had a gill who was as gentle as a lamb but one hell of a worker she used to like to play bite but i must say she never ever broke my skin she would lock on but never peirced the skin and when the time came i breeded her with my mates ferret and had a good litter of 8 i kept 2 of the litter for my self and they were good workers aswell only trouble was they were as daft as a brush harmless in their own way but by god they used to like to bite me they were percy and hector by the way and they did break the skin a good few times but i guess they thought they were just playing i soon got used to the biting from those two mind you in the middle of the night they used to start fighting each other and they not half made some noise and yet in the day time when they both up and awake they were like baby lambs friendly towards each other so i just left them to it anyway if you in any doubt about your friend looking after the ferret while you away tell him wear a glove with that one that bites (not a woolly glove mind) any padded glove will do as like you say if he keen on ferrets he not want to be put off by them biting its in their nature to do so
  3. hi tim nope ive just started to reload my own .243`s granted not the best but the picture i show at the begining of this thread was at about 100 meters or so so i guess i still got a long way to go to get the perfect bullet but i definatly alot cheaper to reload as a box of 20 bullets is around 20quid is costs me pennys to reload my own maybe 20-25 pence per bullet a hell of a saving but i guess you noticed i was getting jumped on by the grouping i showed in the picture but that doesnt bother me in the least i know alot of people boast about their grouping using .22`s and pcp airguns just wonder if any of them have actually fired a full bore rifle before if not maybe they should not leave bad remarks about other peoples shooting untill they can say they have done it with a full bore rifle and not a .22 or pcp airgun oh and yes it was chucking down with rain which didnt put me off in the least not like some who would be scared to get their gun wet he he
  4. well hoping next time i go out with the model 7 the ground will be dry and il get set up properly and let you know how i get on as when i was out on monday in the rain i guess not to many people like to lie down on the ground in puddles of mud and cow poo etc now i bet you all wondering why i went out in the rain well wasnt raining when i left the house only started to rain as i got on to where i shoot and there wasnt much on the tv to watch on b/h monday apart from the usuall ****
  5. Please please please tell me these were not free standing shots and you were actually resting on a bag/coat/sticks/tree/wall/fence or something when you used to do this? hi yes when was using the enfield i was lying down
  6. radio1ham


    yep i used to like watching that show
  7. if you applying for fac why not get your self a .22 cz452 with sound mod or simalar and keep your air rifle for the fun side of shooting as if you get it fac`d (tuned up to fac) you will need to register it as an fac weapon you will find a decent 2nd hand rimfire in .22 for around 150 - 200 pounds a lot less than what you would pay for a airrifle as if you do get your airrifle fac`d it will need to be kept in a gun cabinet aswell so why not just go all the way and get your self a .22 rimfire im sure others will agree you wont regret it
  8. as martin says no disrespect in him saying he can get better grouping using a .22 rimfire well im pretty sure he can as i guess most of us can but remember .22 little or no recoil so very easy to get very good groupings using bipods or anything as for .243 and any other full bore rifle lots of recoil even more so with my little remmington model 7 .243 as anyone who has owned the remminton model 7 will say how lively they are but before i got licensed i was shooting deer with an old lee enfield .303 with open sights no scope and no bipod up to around 180-200 yards so i guess im ok to shoot as i never had any complaints but i guess everyone can boast about how good of a shot they are when using bipods etc i even seen a target shooter who had his rifle supported in a moving vice/rest type of thing all he had to do is sight in and pull trigger and that is not shooting either as far as im conserened and bipods are not practical were i shoot as that would mean id have to be lying on the ground all the time as i cant drive around in a landy etc so i still say for me getting shots in a 3 inch circule at 100 meters or so from a standing position is more than good enough for me
  9. yep i remember when a young lassy was shot in the face with an airgun off an idiot in gateshead a few years ago the poor lass lost her sight in one eye god only knows what these idiots are thinking when they do that but like the post says it was an accident which should never be able to happen guns are not toys and should never be left where otheres can get their hands on them common sense is all they need sorry about the toddler gettting hurt
  10. yeh i guess i does make you think a bit and to always check your barrels making sure nothing is logded in the barrel guess the guy that owns this gun is wishing he checked it aswell an easy and expensive mistake to make i dare say the results of any thing stuck in a shotgun barrel would be just as bad if not worse as i guess it dont take to much to end up with a barrel like that maybe it will make people think if they drop barrel to the ground make sure it cleaned properly
  11. ok fair doo`s martin and browning i appolligise if i sound offish i also can do a better grouping with my cz rimmy aswell at 100yards but as they say practice makes perfect but with regards to having a running fox ive never had that happen if i think i wont hit the fox i wont shoot at it
  12. well i think it good considering i was standing and not using a bipod im sorry but im not a target shooter as for the stalkers test im think im right in thinking you mean the defra test well im sorry if this upsets you but ive got no intrest in taking a deer stalkers test as if i want to stalk deer i can do without having to pay an organisation (defra)just to say that i can shoot a deer ive shot many deer years ago before i even got licensed so i guess i can still do that now
  13. well wonder if anyone can guess what happened to this gun dont worry it not the result of my home loads bet the guy who the gun belongs was sick when it happened lets see if any of you chaps can guess what happened
  14. well i bought the lee hand press and a set of deluxe dies for reloading my .243`s and im very pleased with it it simple to use and no need to be fastened to a bench when finished with it i just put it back in the box and put the dies away aswell only cost me 51 quid and has already paid for its self
  15. well i went out yesterday to sunny northumberland (not is was chucking down with rain) well i got my model 7 .243 and went for a wander anyway and also to try out some home loaded bullets so that i did found a nice spot under a fer tree to keep the rain off me i fired a fair few to try them out anyway as there wasnt much about mind you i only got wet twice anyway i got a picture of the shots i took the ones circuled in blue are the ones after i had set up the scope range was a good 100 meters and im pretty pleased with them mind you i was standing when shooting so maybe better when using a bipod the circule size is 3 inches and i guess that is within the killing zone of a fox
  16. is there any substitute for case resizing lube
  17. well just wondering if anyone uses these machines and wonder if any of you that use these machines have ever had a go at making their own bullet moulds
  18. hi well they shoot just as good as copper jackets i still need to zero my scope for them properly as only took a few to try out il get some more loaded up and take a target with me next time i was standing shooting them into the tree trunk and they were within an inch or so of each other which i guess isnt to bad
  19. well went out last night for a few hours to try them out and i was suprised how well they shot i fired 13 in total at a tree trunk from around 80 meters or so and they went very well not much recoil but they still had plenty of punch behind them they still went a good way into the tree trunk so i guess they will be pretty good on foxes aswell so im glad i got the reloading gear now home loads are in my opinion a lot better only wish i had a chrono to check the velocity of the bullet
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